Future Planning
8 Costly Mistakes to Avoid When Planning for a Spe, Achieving Independence, Alert to Parents of a Special Needs Child, Diann Collins, MBA, MetDESK - Special Needs Planni, Estate Planning: NICHCY News Digest 18, Exceptional Parent Magazine - Life Planning Articl, Future Planning Resources, Leaving Retirement Benefits to a Special Needs Tru, NICHCY- Estate Planning -Overview Of Estate Planni, North Carolina: Vance, Granville, Franklin, Warren
CaF Factsheet: Siblings, Children with Disabilities: Understanding Sibling , Living with Impairment, Siblings, Siblings with Disabilities, Soda Pop Online, Support for Siblings of People with Autism and As, The Sibling Support Project
Family Voices
Advocacy group families from throughout the United States who have children with special health needs. Also includes caregivers, professionals, and friends whose lives have been touched by these children and their families.
Special Needs Family Fun
Articles, bulletin boards, and books to enhance the quality and fun of special needs family life.
STOMP (Specialized Training of Military Parents)
A federally funded Parent Training and Information (PTI) Center established to assist military families who have children with special education or health needs.