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Andrew Hewitt
"The Man behind the Stix," a drummer born with Cerebral Palsy living in Sydney, Australia.
Canadian Association for Music Therapy
Promotes awareness, use and development of music therapy in order to maximize health and well-being. (Canada)
Carolina Music Therapy
Music therapy agency providing sessions to individuals and groups with a wide range of strengths and needs. (Raleigh, NC)
Coalition for Disabled Musicians, Inc.
CDM, Inc. is a non-profit, self-help organization dedicated to assisting disabled musicians to pursue their musical aspirations. Our local site is on Long Island, NY and offers a National Referral Service for disabled musicians worldwide.
Connie Deming
Singer songwriter from Rochester, NY who performs music inspired by her experience with autism and love for her autistic son.
Disabled Drummers Association
Dedicated to serving drummers with disabilites and helping them to be a positive part of the music industry, as well as to help change the way the disabled musicians are viewed and treated in the industry today.
Flame is a soft rock cover band of musicians with developmental disabilities from Fulton County, New York.
Flutelab ergonomy and adaptations
Ergonomical aspects of flutes and many adaptations of wind instruments for people with disabilities. Large photo archive. Company is in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
A website for disabled drummers. We offer drummer profile pages, articles, product information, and links.
Mel Davis
A handicapped musician, composer and arranger from France.
Metro Music Therapy
A private music therapy practice with an emphasis on working in collaboration with therapists and professionals (Glendale, Colorado)
musical ARC
A group of musicians, with and without impairments based in Leeds, UK. This site contains music downloads, and a concert diary.
Special Music by Special People
Compact discs, mp-3 and quicktime music projects available at the site that feature music composed by people with developmental disabilites and other challenges.
The Savant Academy
Supporting the education of musical and artistic savants, as well as research into and awareness of Savant Syndrome.
Tony Melendez
Successful toe-pickin' guitar player and vocalist.Born without arms and a club foot, The sound of hope and courage to the world!
Van Gogh - Atlanta-based band
Psychedelia, rock'n'roll, pop, funk and more from the band lead by the Heisner brothers Robby and Ricky from their super-fast, eye-popping, yellow and black, racing striped powered wheelchairs.