Adaptive Dancing, Inc.
Teaching a style of dance specifically designed for a couple where one of them is in a wheelchair.
Asia Pacific Therapeutic Theatre
Indian Dance Therapy for people with mental and physical disabilities (India, Europe).
AXIS Dance Company
Pioneering a new dimension of dance -- a revolutionary collaboration between dancers with and without disabilities. (California)
Dancing Wheels
A modern dance company comprised of dancers with and without disabilities. Founded by Mary Verdi-Fletcher this mixed abilites company performs worldwide.
Full Radius Dance
A modern dance company that challenges traditional gender portrayals in mature, choreographically complex works that celebrate technique and physicality. Additionally, the company has a desire to share the talents of dancers who have disabilities with the mainstream audience.(Georgia)
Joint Forces Dance Company
To encourage the evolution & performance of dance & to cultivate a "common ground" that allows all individuals to develop creatively, regardless of abilities or disabilities.
Mouse on the Move
Dance workshops led by Alan Martin, an inclusive dance workshop leader, performer and disability issues presenter/trainer.
Pas d'ASL
Dance choreography based upon the world's sign languages, by Mona Jean Cedar.
Sign Dance Collective
An inclusive organization led by a Deaf and Hearing artistic team, working in partnership with artists and arts organizations throughout Europe. Information about performances, workshops, artists and history. [Netherlands]
The Gallaudet Dancers
A performing group dancers who are undergraduate or graduate students at Gallaudet University, the world's only accredited liberal arts university for deaf and hard of hearing students.
Touch Compass: Catherine Chappell and Dancers
Touch Compass is a mixed ability dance company directed by Catherine Chappell, based in Auckland, New Zealand.
U.S. Handicapable Square Dance Association
Information on square dancing and square dance clubs for people with disabilities (mostly developmental disabilities, but some wheelchair groups).