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The kidnap and murder of Charles A. Lindbergh's son: the crime, the evidence and the trial of Bruno Hauptmann. Includes photos and bibliography.
Lindbergh Case
The crime, trial, evidence, jury, cast, photo gallery, comic, intrigue, and timeline.
Lindbergh Kidnapping Bibliography
A detailed list of books on the kidnapping.
Lindbergh Kidnapping Case
Questions and answers about the kidnapping of Charles A. Lindbergh jr.
Lindbergh Kidnapping Discussion Board
Forum to discuss the Lindbergh kidnapping and Bruno Richard Hauptmann.
Lindbergh Kidnapping Discussion Group
Message board and chat room for discussion of the Lindbergh-Hauptmann case.
Lindbergh Kidnapping Hoax
Was Bruno Richard Hauptmann the real killer or just a patsy in something larger.