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Anti-Phishing Working Group, Anti-Phishing.org, BBB Online - Phishing, Computerworld - Phishing, FTC.gov - How Not to Get Hooked by a ?Phishing? Sc, Phish List, Phishing Dangers, Sharecube White Papers, Spoof Email Tutorial, Wikipedia: Phishing
Bankrate.com - 14 Tips to Avoid Identity Theft
Suggestions from Frank Abagnale on reducing one's risk of identity theft.
Better Business Bureau - Stopping Identity Theft:
Articles for consumers and businesses.
California Department of Consumer Affairs - Credit
Tips to help avoid and resolve problems.
California Department of Consumer Affairs: Checkli
Steps to follow.
California Department of Justice: Identity Theft
Features state lwas, tips for victims, and ID theft registry for the state.
California Office of Privacy Protection: Identity
Includes printable prevention tips, victim check list, and identity theft affidavit.
Call For Action: Identity Theft
Features warning signs, preventative measures, and victim information and resources.
CBC News: Identity Theft - Robbery in the New Mill
Article with prevention tips, how the crime is committed, and links.
FDIC Consumer News: When a Criminal's Cover I
Tips for prevention and for victims.
Federal Reserve Bank of Boston: Identity Theft
Brochure in html and pdf formats.
Federal Trade Commission - Identity Theft
The U.S. government's central website for information about identity theft.
Financial Privacy Now
Campaign to strengthen financial privacy protections for consumers to keep credit safe and prevent crimes like identity theft. Targets the Fair Credit Reporting Act. Project of Consumers Union.
Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Veh
Include a video, forms, and resources for victims of the crime.
Georgia Stop Identity Theft Network
Features programs, participants, FAQ, victim's checklist, and resources.
ID Theft Partnerships in Prevention
Victim advocacy, investigations, research, partners with businesses to prevent identitiy theft inside.
ID Theft: When Bad Things Happen to Your Good Name
Tips from the Federal Trade Commission.
Identity Theft 911
Educational articles.
Identity Theft and Assumption Deterrence Act
Full text of the United States national identity theft law.
Identity Theft Resource Center
Features detailed guides for victims, current laws, media resources, and reference library.
Identity Theft: A Quiz for Consumers
This U.S. Department of Justice site offers consumers a short quiz to help them learn how to protect themselves from identity theft.
Identity Theft: Fact and fiction
This article discusses the growth and impact of identity theft, and how society should respond to its challenges.
Invasion of the ID Snatchers
Online booklet from the National Consumers League.
Knowledge@Wharton - Do You Know Where Your Identit
[Free registration required to view.] Stopping identity theft is a very complicated proposition. Here are some steps that are probably required to positively impact the privacy of personal data.
Lies, threats, a lost identity and the internet
Chronicle of identity theft in blogs and cyberstalking. Includes tips on preventing online identity theft.
Guide to avoiding online fraud and phishing scams.
My Journey by Jamie R. Dean KE4HTM
Describes the author's journey with identity and amateur radio callsign theft, and the eventual trial and punishment of the thief. Also provides tips for avoiding and stopping identity theft
National Conference of State Legislatures: Identit
Features current statutes, pending legislation, and publications.
New York Better Business Bureau: Identity Theft
Features information on detection, new scams, prevention, liability, resources, and correcting the problem.
NPR Talk of the Nation: How to Avoid Identity The
How to protect your identity. [37:28 streaming audio broadcast]
NPR : ChoicePoint Security Breach
The consumer data company ChoicePoint says a security breach last week will affect more than 140,000 people in all 50 states. The company is sending notices to individuals whose personal and financial details were accessed by thieves posing as businessmen. [2:40 streaming audio broadcast]
NPR : Congress Aims to Combat Identity Theft
In the wake of recent scandals involving data collection companies like ChoicePoint and LexisNexis, Congress has begun pushing for greater personal identity safeguards. [3:12 streaming audio broadcast]
NPR : Experts Urge Consumers to Act Against Identi
Georgia-based ChoicePoint Inc. is sending out letters to warn consumers their personal information has been stolen. But law enforcement officials say many more people need to be on guard for possible identity theft, after crooks got unauthorized access to information in ChoicePoint's databases. [3:37 streaming audio broadcast]
NPR : Fighting Identity Theft
Beth Givens, director of the Privacy Rights Clearinghouse, discusses the recent spate of security breaches at consumer data banks. Computer hackers accessed consumer data at ChoicePoint and Lexis-Nexis. [4:20 streaming audio broadcast]
NPR : ID Thieves Target Children, Infants
Even the youngest among us can be victims of identity theft. Seattle Times reporter Jolayne Houtz explains how, and why. John Brooke, a Seattle-area man, describes how his newborn became a target. [2:44 streaming audio broadcast]
NPR : Identity Theft in the International Arena
NPR's Eric Weiner reports on European efforts to prevent the theft of sensitive personal data compiled by information collection companies. [4:33 streaming audio broadcast]
NPR : Information Companies and Identity Theft
Recent data theft from information companies prompted hearings on Capitol Hill. Gail Hillebrand of Consumers Union tells Jacki Lyden what sort of personal data information companies such as Choicepoint and Lexis/Nexis collect -- and how they use it. [3:15 streaming audio broadcast]
NPR : Protecting Yourself Against Identity Theft
NPR's Madeleine Brand speaks with Gail Hillebrand about identity theft protection. Hillebrand is senior attorney for the Consumers Union, an independent, nonprofit testing and information organization. [3:52 streaming audio broadcast]
NPR : Safeguarding the Data Brokerage Industry, Pa
The data brokerage industry has come under intense scrutiny with the disclosure of two high-profile identity theft cases. NPR's Farai Chideya has a special report. [11:46 streaming audio broadcast]
NPR : Safeguarding the Data Brokerage Industry, Pa
For a closer look at data brokers and what can be done to safeguard the industry from future fraud, NPR's Ed Gordon is joined by Robert O'Harrow Junior, a staff writer at The Washington Post and author of "No Place to Hide: Behind the Scenes of Our Emerging Surveillance Society," and Florida Sen. Bill Nelson (D), who has championed legislation that would give the Federal Trade Commission more oversight over the data brokerage industry. [7:55 streaming audio broadcast]
NPR : Senate Mulls Measures to Combat Identity The
The Senate Banking Committee considers possible regulations to battle the growing problem of identity theft. The most recent Federal Trade Commission survey found that 10 million Americans were the victims of some type of identity theft in one year. [3:40 streaming audio broadcast]
NPR : Tips on Avoiding Identity Theft
Michele Norris talks with Evan Hendricks, editor and publisher of Privacy Times and author of "Credit Scores and Credit Reports," about why people should be concerned about identity theft and what they can do to avoid it. [5:15 streaming audio broadcast]
NPR : Tips to Avoid Internet Identity Theft, E-Mai
Criminals around the world are discovering tools that let them spy on hundreds of thousands of people over the Internet, and they're stealing credit card numbers, bank account passwords, and other sensitive information. NPR's Chris Arnold reports. [5:20 streaming audio broadcast]
PhoneBusters: Identity Theft
Includes victim information, a list of scams, statistics on the crime, and prevention tips.
Privacy Rights Clearinghouse - Identity Theft Reso
Articles and related links on what to do if you are a victim of identity theft.
Property Crime & Recovery Investigators of Ala
A unique organization that offers education to law enforcement, private sector loss prevention officers, bank fraud investigators, and corporate fraud investigators in the areas of property crime and identity theft in Alabama.
Public Advisory: Special Report for Consumers on I
Tips and reports from the Solicitor General of Canada.
RCMP Frauds and Scams: Identity Theft
Tips from the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.
Smartmoney.com: Identity Thieves Employ High-Tech
Five of the latest high-tech forms of identity theft along with ways consumers can protect themselves.
Smartmoney.com: Consumer Action: Your SS Number Is
Long article expresses concerns that various county clerks are publishing their residents' personal documents online. Many examples of public figures' data that can be found are given.
Smartmoney.com: Debt Management: Stop! Thief!
Article by Aleksandra Todorova. Steps to restoring your good name after becoming a victim of identity theft.
Smartmoney.com: Debt Management: The Secret Life o
Article by Aleksandra Todorova. "With Social Security-number (SSN)-only theft, oftentimes abusers have no intent of stealing anybody's good credit. They simply want the number so they can work and establish their own lines of credit ? in their own name. In essence, two separate identities are created from one Social Security number."
Social Security Administration: Identity Theft
Publication with tips and contact.
Spyware Guide to Identity Theft
Explores connections between identity theft and commercial spyware. Offers free consumer tips.
State Government Site - New York Attorney Generals
Preventative tips.
Texas Attorney General: Identity Theft
Prevention tips and victim information.
The Golden Whistle
Consumer provides information about ID theft and a glossary of terms related to the practice.
The Privacy Commissioner of Canada: Identity Theft
Identifies the problem and offers tips on prevention and what to do if it occurs.
U.S. Department of Justice: Identity Theft and Ide
Features programs, prevention, and remedial steps after the crime.
U.S. Postal Inspection Services: Identity Theft
Features tips and brochures for prevention and for victims of the crime.