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A Description of Speak Outs in Oklahoma Prisons, A Profile of Women Inmates in the State of Oklahom, Adding It Up, Community Corrections, Community Corrections of Pennsylvania, Correctional Service of Canada, Corrections Connection, Criminal Offenders Statistics, Federal Bureau of Prisons, Female Inmates in Oklahoma: An Updated Profile an
Juvenile Justice
Greater Manchester Youth Justice Trust, Juvenile Offenders and Victims: 1999 National Repo, Kids Count, National Center for Juvenile Justice Website, SE Connecticut Gang Activities Group, Violence and Children
Money Laundering
Anti Money Laundering Conference in London UK, Billy's Money Laundering Home Page, Click To Learn More - clicktolearnmore.com, Estimates of the Extent of Money Laundering In and, Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering, International Money Laundering Information Network, Money Laundering Alert, Oceana Money Laundering Conference and Internation, Quantifying Global Money Laundering, Risk Values - riskvalues.com
United States
States, America's Safest and Most Dangerous Cities, Bureau of Justice Statistics, Bureau of Prisons, Federal Justice Statistics, Justice Information Center (NCJRS), Office of Justice Programs, OJP Information Technology Initiatives, OPE Campus Security Statistics Website, Student Assistance General Provisions, Campus Safe
International Crime Victim Surveys, International Victimology Site, Office for Victims of Crime, Victim-Assistance Online, Victims of Death Row Inmates, Violence Against Women and Family Violence
British Crime Survey
Annual survey of crime levels in England and Wales conducted by Research Development Statistics, covering both crime reported to the police and unreported crime.
Crime and Law
A collection of essays by a professional criminologist.
Crime Times
The relationship between crime and biological factors.
Criminal Justice Education
Information and links to criminal justice and criminology statistics, downloadable data, citation styles, and other researcher needs.
Criminal Justice Web Links
Provides extensive links to criminal justice information for professionals.
Critical Criminology
Critical papers from the American Society of Criminology.
Emma's Domain
Information on crime, law, and profiling.
Falling Crime Rate - Koch Crime Institute
Article regarding the decrease in the crime rate and the report's conclusion is that there is no single cause, and multiple factors have contributed to the decrease.
Federal Bureau of Investigation: Uniform Crime Rep
Compilation of annual crime statistics for the United States available in hypertext and PDF formats, including reports on states, agencies, arrests, clearance, law enforcement, hate crimes, and incident reporting.
International Association for the History of Crime
Organization information and directory of upcoming conferences in the field.
National Archive of Criminal Justice Data
Acquires, archives, processes, and provides access to computer-readable criminal justice data collections for research.
Police Foundation
Independent research and development presence aims to improve operational policing.
Police Foundation
Research, technical assistance, and communications programs supporting innovation and improvement in policing.
Released Prisoners Are Dangerous
Short statistical argument on violent crimes by parolees.
Sourcebook of Criminal Justice Statistics
Data tables on criminal justice topics from over 100 sources are presented at this indexed and fully searchable site.
South African Crime
Online research guide for police officers and academics in South Africa and abroad.
UN Crime and Justice Information Network
Statistics, data, and reports on crime.