360 Informative Web Links
An annotated directory of sites, reports, and articles accessible on the web. Section headings include General Statistics, Drug Policy, Juvenile Justice, and Women in Prison, all with a U.S. focus.
Critical Resistance NYC: Links
Links grouped by subject, concentrating on prison alternatives, political prisoners, and human rights. From Critical Resistance, a grassroots prison abolition group.
FindLaw: Prisoner Rights & Resources
A directory of links to mostly national organizations focused on prisoner support.
Jay's Leftist and Progressive Internet Resour
An extensive list of sites, some with descriptions. There are links to everything from newsletters to major advocacy organizations, as well as several for support groups and pages for individual prisoners.
Prison Activist Resource Center: Prison Labor
List of links to state-owned prison industry operations in the U.S.
Prison Information Links
The American Society of Criminology resource page for prison and jail statistics, sentencing, and prison culture.
Prison Links Directory
Links directory covering topics relating to prisoner and family support, prison reform, activism, death penalty and other issues.
Prison Policy Initiative Visitor Links
Over 200 visitor-submitted links to web sites, essays, reports, articles, and other resources. Categories include Felon Disenfranchisement, Legal Resources, Prison Abolition, and Research and Statistics.
prisonjustice.ca: Activist Links
Links to Canadian, American, and international prison-related organizations and government offices.
A descriptive list of government sites, support groups, and charities related to prison and penal reform, mainly within the United Kingdom.
The Other Side of the Wall: Prison Links
A listing of sites dealing with prisons, corrections news, and prison law.