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Crime Library: The Zodiac Killer
About the uncaught serial killer who terrorized Napa and the Bay Area in the 1970s.
Crime Library: Zodiac Copy Cat Killer
Jake Wark's feature, with illustrations, and commentary.
Karisable.com: The Zodiac Killer
Case history and links.
Se7en-X: Crimes and Victims of Zodiac
Provides detailed information on the victims and the possible suspects.
The Zodiac Killer
Supplies a brief history of the murders and the mystery behind the killer.
This is the Zodiac Speaking
An overview and analysis of the Zodiac Killer case. With documents and photos.
Yahoo! Groups: zodiackiller
A mailing list for people interested in talking about the victims and methods of the Zodiac Killer.
Information on the victims and suspects, rare Zodiac letters, original documents, and a message board.