"A Moral Vacuity in Her which is Difficult if
Paper by Anne McGillivray Associate Professor of Law, University of Manitoba, Canada.
Bernardo/Homolka Extensive News Archive
Archive of news articles on Canada's Ken and Barbie schoolgirl killers, from 1994 to the present. Sorted by category. Contains in-depth coverage of Bernardo's 1995 murder trial.
CNEWS Law & Order: Paul Bernardo Archive
Archive of news articles on Bernardo and Homolka.
Crime Library: Paul Bernardo and Karla Homolka
Marilyn Bardsley's feature story on the Canadian serial-killer couple.
Desperately Seeking Karla: The Case of alt.fan.kar
Discusses the media ban on the Karla Homolka trial.
Homolka Deal Protest
Protest against the "Deal with the Devil."
Karla Homolka Fan Site
Dedicated to Karla with pictures, biography, and a message board.
Karla's Web
An overview of the case and commentary on the controversy surrounding alt.fan.karla-homolka.
The Evil Within: The Twisted Minds of Paul Bernard
Story on the case by Anna M. Griffy for Justice Junction.