News and Articles
China: The Great Firewall, Computer Hacking New Tool of Political Activism, Dissidents Hack Holes in China's New Wall, E-Guerrillas in the Mist, Golden Age of Hacktivism, The, Hacking for Democracy, Hacking for Human Rights?, Hacktivism: the new protest movement, Hacktivists or Cyberterrorists? The Changing Media, Kashmir-minded Pakistani 'hacktivists' b
Activism, Hacktivism, and Cyberterrorism
Paper by Dorothy Denning on "The Internet as a Tool for Influencing Foreign Policy" for a foreign policy decisionmaking workshop
Attrition Web Page Hack Mirror
Attrition's list of mirrors of site hacks.
Electronic Civil Disobedience and the World Wide W
A 'Mapping of Extraparliamentarian Direct Action Net Politics' cultural theory conference paper by Stefan Wray.
Introduction to Hacktivism
An introduction to the fundamental concepts of hacktivism by the Collusion Group.