Anti-Barbie Club
Former Barbie collectors who have turned against Barbie dolls because of her negative effect in society and actions by Mattel Inc.
Barbie Protesters Aren't Playing Around
Article about Pink Anger boycott against Mattel [LA Times]
Malibu Barbie, Holiday Barbie ... Toxic Barbie?
Some vintage toys may ooze chemical that could harm kids. [WebMD]
Mattel Spyware
Story and discussion board. [Slashdot]
Software That Can Spy On You
"Why did Mattel include technology that can encrypt and send data to and from your PC in its children's CD-ROMs?" [Salon] Mattel v. Free Speech
Former Mattel employee, fired for seeking treatment for tendinitis contracted on the job, speaks out and tries to hand out flyers at Mattel stockholders' meeting.
Talk About Barbie
John C. Dvorak writes about doing an innocent search for Barbie and discovering the Pink Anger boycott. [ZDNet]