A2Z Pokemon - The Trading Card Store
Offering single cards, booster packs, boxed sets, and accessories. Located in the UK.
Featuring American and Japanese booster packs, individual and promotional cards, and boxes of booster packs from base 1, jungle, fossil, team rocket and gym leaders series. Located in Birmingham, England.
KB Kids: Pokémon
Featuring booster packs, theme decks, expansion decks in American, Japanese, Italian, German, and Spanish. A variety of series are available.
Laughing Jackass
Featuring American and Japanese individual cards in the following series: base 1, jungle, fossil, base 2, rocket, gym hero, gym challenge, and neo genesis. Located in Illinois, USA.
Mencik's Sportscards
Featuring American and Japanese booster packs and theme decks. Includes other collectible cards and collecting supplies. Located in Maryland, USA.
Featuring Japanese and American booster packs, boxes, theme decks, and accessories. Series included are from base 1, fossil, jungle, neo, gym 1, and gym 2. Email orders only.
Peggy's Pokemon Card Shoppe
Featuring individual cards and sets in American and Japanese. Available in the series of base 1, base 2, neo, jungle, fossil, and gym 1.
Featuring American and Japanese individual cards, booster pack, theme decks and boxes. Available series are basic, base 2, jungle, fossil, rocket, and gym leaders. Located in New Jersey, USA.
Pokémon Cards
Featuring individual cards, promotional cards, booster packs, and sets. Numerous series are available. Located in New Mexico, USA.
Pokemon Cards For Less Money
Offering payment options and single cards.
Pokemon Deals
Featuring Japanese and American individual and promotional cards, booster packs, and theme decks. Available in the series of base 1 and 2, jungle, fossil, gym, and rocket.
Pokemon Jap.
Featuring Japanese individual and promotional cards, booster packs, and theme decks. Numerous series available. Based in Japan.
Pokemon Sale 321
Offering American and Japanese booster packs, theme decks, single cards, boxed sets, and completed sets.
Pokémon Trading Cards Online
Featuring individual cards, booster packs, and theme decks in a variety of series.
Specialized sales of English Pokemon trading cards. Singles, errors, promos, booster packs and theme decks. Also boxes of English cards.
Featuring American, Japanese individual cards, booster packs and theme decks from the basic, jungle, fossil, team rocket, gym leaders and neo sets. Offers boxes of both American and Japanese cards, reviews and Nintendo releases.
RTD's Poke'mon Card Auctions
Featuring individual, promotional, and holofoil Japanese and American cards. Email orders only.
The Pokemon Webstore
Trading cards, games, toys, videos and assorted items
Wall Of Fame.Net
Featuring American & Japanese booster packs, decks, and singles. Includes other collectible cards, toys, and games.
Featuring American and Japanese individual and promotional cards as well as booster packs, theme decks, and accessories.