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Access the Zone
Audio tape series incorporating mental strategies to improve focus and relaxation on the course.
AJ Golf
Offers the A.J. Bonar's 3-video series on ball-striking, the short game, and putting.
All Golf Video
Offers tournament highlights, instructional, golfer profiles, juniors, women, fitness and health, and Shell's Wonderful World of Golf.
Building Your A Game
Offers DVD series which combines science and fitness via bio-mechanics to improve your golf game.
Coach 24-7
Offers downloadable golf coaching videos that cover various aspects of the game.
Do I Get A Drop?
Offers unique, illustrated golf rules book.
Golf Read
Offers a variety of golf videos, DVDs, and books (new/used/rare).
Golf Secrets
Offers Mike Austin: Secrets From the Game's Longest Hitter, video on long driving.
Golfers Mind
Sells a 3 CD set containing mental mastery techniques.
Golf informational, inspriational, and instructional products and gifts.
Features a large selection of golf DVD's, videos, books, and gifts.
Instant Golf Lessons
Offers instructional book designed to improve/teach the golf swing.
McCrary Golf
Offers training videos covering most aspects of the game.
McGolf - Home of the Perfect Swing
Features golf professional, Jim McLellan's instruction videos, tips and video clip.
Mental Golf
Offers video addressing the mental side of golf.
Mike Austin Method of Golf Technique
Offers Dan Shauger's "How To Kill the Ball" books and DVD's based on the Mike Austin swing method.
Minutes To Better Golf
A video production designed to help golfers avoid injuries by learning to stretch properly.
New Mexico Golf TV
Offers VHS cassettes of New Mexico courses.
Perfect Impact
Introduces the Perfect Impact swing system book and video series.
Power Water Golf
Offers Willie Townsend video of water training exercises.
Rip It 300 Yards
Long drive champion and top coach Ben Witter shares the four essential components to adding power and distance to your long drive golf game in this video.
Royal and Ancient Golf History Video
Unique video of the history of Golf in the United Kingdom and North America.
SE Publishing
Publisher sells "Be the Ball" and "Be Lucky - Golf Improvements for the Superstitious" tapes.
Simple Golf Swing
Offers SimpleSwing DVD and video package.
Target Putting
Offers putting instruction book, free ebooks, tips and a message board with polls.
The Effortless Swing Approach
This golf swing approach includes four awareness/movement lessons designed to help the golfer achieve optimal efficiency in action - without trying so hard.
The Golf Trainer
Offers fitness program for golfers designed to increase flexibility, add driving distance, and treat specific injuries. Available in DVD, VHS and full color manuals.
Think and Reach Par
Offers audios and videos, some equipment and accessories.
Wally Armstrong
Offers books, videos, training aids, and art.