Specific Titles,, EzineTactics, Hipp Marketing, Outlaw Public Relations, Power Positioning Dot Com, Tips Products International, Work at Home Books
13- Step System To Get Youor Dream Job
The Perfect Interview provides an easy-to-follow, 13-step system that can get anyone hired in any job.
24 Techniques for Closing the Sale
Brian Tracy's e-book reveals ruthless closing tactics.
Offers eBooks on home-based pet-related businesses on cd-rom and download.
Publisher of U.S. business directories by industry and state. Includes publication information and online ordering.
Short course-oriented training materials for computing, financial management, education, and personal economics.
Financial Markets Simplified
Practical trading information. Exposing financial market practices. Word files sent by email.
Lauzon Enterprises
Start a secretarial service with help from this booklet on a CD-ROM. [CD]
Lawn Care Service Business Guide
Tips for running a lawn care business. Includes audio CDs, sample letters and contracts, software, and a downloadable guide.
Lawn Care Service Business Information Resources
Offers information, help and advice for those in the lawn care industry.
Online Freelance Business
Ebook for those with freelance talents; includes methods, tools, and resources.
Tax Lien University
Offers digital ebooks, pdf and hardcopy books on insider tax lien investing strategies.
The Index Adjustment System
Short-term trading strategies advocated by this ebook publisher. order processing.
The MuzikBiz Master
Interactive eBook about music business. Covers legal, publishing, vocal, recording, career and business topics.