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ADD to C3 Kids
Marketing a nutritional program for children with attention deficit disorders.
ADHD Books by Shelagh Pooley
Offers two books; What's in a Name and Names Don't Count.
ADHD/ADD: A Path to Success
Lawrence Weathers. Revolutionary theory and patented treatment technology shows how ADHD/ADD can be unlearned rapidly, without drugs or diet. Describes psychologist-author's own successful struggle with ADHD.
Attention Deficit Disorder: Solutions for Teachers
Offering a book to help manage children with ADD/ADHD.
Fearless Focus
Book by Dr. Lucy Jo Palladino, a psychologist, teaches the use of focus skills for attention deficit disorders (ADD & ADHD) and learning disability.
Help for ADHD
Top ten tips, list of resources, hidden treasures of ADHD.
Jeffrey Freed, M.A.T
Author of the book "Right Brained Children in a Left Brained world" He is also a contributing writer for the book "Uniquely Gifted" by Kiesa Kay as well as a contributor to the book "The Attention Deficit Solution, The Ultimate Self Help Guide for Teens, by Shane Hills and Elizabeth Blanchard.
Learning Disabilities Specialist - Carol A. McMull
Offers two books to help parents and teachers of children with ADD/ADHD.
LifeLifters - ADD Audio Coach
Coaching system empowers you to create the control, balance and confidence you desire.
Moving Beyond ADD/ADHD - The Book
Diagnosis and treatment information for ADD / ADHD.
Patience Press
Publisher of books about post traumatic stress disorders and the online magazine Post Traumatic Gazette.
Running on Ritalin
Book on Ritalin use in America offers news and research on ADD.
Scattered and Scattered Mind
Scattered and Scattered Minds written by Dr. Gabor Mate to help children, adults and health professionals understand Attention Deficit Disorder.
The Complete ADD ADHD Book Store
Books on the attention deficit disorders, for parents, teachers, and professionals.
Transforming the Difficult Child
A book about the "nurtured heart approach," a set of strategies developed specifically for children with ADHD and other challenging behaviors to facilitate parenting and classroom success.
Why Can't My Child Behave
A parent's guide to ADD/ADHD. Easy to read compilation of living with a child with behavior problems. Based on the Feingold Association program. Better behavior without drugs.
Women From Another Planet?
Written by women with Asperger's Syndrome about how their lives are affected by the condition.