Directory of eco-friendly products, services and resources, including organic food, seeds, hemp, housewares, recycled products, bodycare, baby products, vegetarian recipes, free solar panel price surveys, and news sites.
Go Green Directory
Free directory of business web sites offering environmentally friendly products and services.
Green People
Directory of eco-friendly products including organic food, hemp, recycled products, natural beauty care, co-ops, baby products, gardening products, and chemical-free, non-toxic, and re-usable products.
Green Products Alliance
Directory of retailers of all natural personal care products.
Happy Hippie Eco-shopping
Directory of eco-friendly businesses and a "green" education center.
Environmental super site with a directory of natural, organic, recycled, and cruelty-free products. 10% of revenue is donated to environmental groups.
The Busy Person's Green Shopping Index
Links to sellers of green products on the web, listing what the site owners judge to be the best stores on the web.
The ECO Directory
Linking the Green Community with over 15,000 listings. Natural products, alternative medicine, natural foods, eco services, green investing, and hemp products.