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Aesthetic Gardens
Collective of Oregon and Washington nurseries offering trees, shrubs, vines, fruiting plants, bonsai, bamboos and alpines.
Almost Eden
Offers a selection of shrubs, perennials, trees, tropicals, indoor plants, and bonsai. Includes photos, descriptions, and growing guides.
Alpine Mont Echo
Quebec nursery growing alpine, rock garden and woodland plants. Ships to Canada and US.
American Nursery Products
Offering perennials, bulbs, house plants, and seed. Includes cultural notes, descriptions, and photos.
Arrowhead Alpines
Michigan nursery specializing in American natives, unusual alpines, conifers, bulbs and perennials.
Avant Gardens
Massachusetts nursery selling unusual perennials, grasses and woody plants.
Bloom River Gardens
Family-owned Oregon container nursery offers a large variety of landscape plants including ferns, grasses, iris, daylilies, deciduous trees, shrubs, and evergreens.
Camellia Forest Nursery
North Carolina grower of unusual plants, woody and herbaceous, in particular their namesake camellias.
Clifton's Flower and Garden Center
Sells a diverse range of plants, shrubs, and trees.
Cloudy Valley Nursery
Specializes in rare and unusual begonias, along with ferns.
Cotswolds Garden Flowers
English nursery specializing in unusual perennials and small shrubs. Ships in Europe.
Coyote Creek
Louisiana grower of herbs and native plants adapted to the Southern United States.
Crownsville Nursery
Woody ornamentals, vines, and perennials, particularly hosta and hydrangea. Ships to most states in contiguous USA.
Cymron Cottage
New Jersey based nursery selling hard-to-find plants--trees, shrubs and perennials. In addition to mailorder sales, planting crews serve NJ and PA.
Davidson Greenhouse and Nursery
Offers novelty geraniums, herbs, house plants, cacti and succulents, exotics, African violets, garden plants, topiary, and tropicals.
Digging Dog Nursery
Northern California nursery featuring ornamental perennials, grasses, trees, and vines.
Dupont Nursery
Louisiana grower offering annuals and perennials, specializing in hibiscus hybridization. Includes photos, descriptions, and availability.
Eastern Plant Specialties
Offers trees, shrubs, and perennials. Includes photos, descriptions, and cultural information.
Elk Mountain Nursery
North Carolina-based nursery specializing in nursery-grown eastern North American native perennials, shrubs, trees and vines, and selected non-native plants.
Fantastic Plants
Specializes in Japanese maples, conifers, along with trees, shrubs, and perennials.
Foliage Gardens
Mail order nursery which specializes in and sells ferns and accessories.
Forestfarm Plant Nursery
Oregon-based nursery featuring an array of trees, shrubs and perennials.
Fraser's Thimble Farms
Offers a range of rare varieties of perennials, bulbs, grasses, shrubs, and trees.
Mail order retailer of perennials, shrubs, seeds, and bulbs that are suited to Canadian climates.
Gardens of the North
Michigan sellers of cold-hardy trees, shrubs and perennials.
Graceful Gardens
Specializing in annual and perennial plants used in the traditional cottage garden.
Greenwood Nursery
Tennessee-based nursery supplying flowers, shrubs and trees, in particular North American natives and desert natives.
Greer Gardens
Oregon nursery featuring select bulbs, perennials, grasses and shrubs, with a specialization in rhododendrons and azaleas.
High Country Gardens
New Mexico nursery sells a range of plants native to the western USA and elsewhere, useful for xeriscaping (low water-use gardening).
Hobbs Farm & Greenery
Grower offering a large variety of geraniums. Includes photos and cultural information.
Joy Creek Nursery
Large collections of plants including Clematis, Hydrangea, Penstemon, Hosta, and many smaller collections.
Mary's Plant Farm
Ohio-based nursery offers field-grown unusual, native, heirloom and connoisseur perennials, flowering shrubs, and understory trees. Ships only within US.
Michigan Bulb Company
Offers trees, shrubs, vines, perennials, bulbs, herbs, fruits, and vegetables. Includes plant selection tools.
Moon Shine Designs
Offers seeds, shrubs, plants, and trees. Also home decor items.
Mountain Mist Nursery
North Carolina supplier of bare root hostas, ferns and native azaleas.
Mt. Tahoma Nursery
Specializes in alpine and rock garden plants, including primulas.
Musser Forests
Specializes in trees, evergreens, shrubs and groundcovers. Also offers books, tools, fertilizers and repellants. Based in Pennsylvania.
Parkdale Gardens
Oregons specialists in rare perennials, plants native to the American Pacific Northwest, culinary herbs and other decorative plants.
Plant and Gnome
West Virginia grower ships ornamental trees and shrubs east of the Rockies. Includes information on flowers, bark, berries, and leaves as well as deer resistant varieties.
Plant Delights Nursery
North Carolina nursery specializing in unusual perennials, hostas, natives and shade plants. Breeder and introducer of named hosta cultivars including "Elvis Lives," "Dixie Chick" and "Red Neck Heaven".
Plants of the Southwest
Specializing in drought tolerant United States native plants and seeds.
Plaxtol Nurseries
Offers a wide range of flowering and foliage plants and shrubs. Ships throughout most of Europe.
Prairie Ridge Nursery
Wisconsin nursery produces native Midwestern wildflowers and grasses in both seed and plant form. Specialist in northern Midwestern prairies.
Reeseville Ridge Nursery
Wisconsin grower and shipper of native plants of northern USA.
Richters Herbs
Canadian sellers of plants and seeds for medicinal and culinary herbs, vegetables and ornamental perennials.
Roslyn Nursery
Long Island New York nursery offers rare and exotic varieties of species and hybrid rhododendrons, azaleas, cold-hardy camellias, and ornamental grasses and perennials.
September Song Nursery
Offers rex begonias including iron cross, beefsteak and eyelash begonias. Hoyas, cacti and succulents also available.
Siskiyou Rare Plant Nursery
Oregon-based nursery selling rock garden and trough plants, ornamental grasses, dwarf Japanese maples, dwarf conifers and hardy ferns.
Starr Nursery
Agaves, Yuccas, bulbs, and related ornamental succulent plants suitable for container growing. Mail order throughout the United States.
Tangled Roots Nursery and Landscaping
Missouri Nursery offering flowering shrubs and evergreens. Includes hardiness zone map.
Terrapin Gardens
Washington State nursery selling unusual and select annuals, perennials, succulents, and trees.
The Saskatoon Farm
Located in Alberta, Canada and offering Saskatoon bushes, fruit trees, shrubs, berries, and perennials. Includes descriptive and cultural information with emphasis on Saskatoons.
Tiffany's Gardens
Wisconsin-based nursery selling annuals, traditional cottage-garden perennials and shrubs.
Tripple Brook Farm
Massachusetts sellers of Northeastern US native plants and underutilized cold-hardy exotics for landscaping and gardening.
Valley Grow
Florida grower, specializing in brugmansia and crape myrtle, also offers shrubs, trees, perennials and seed. Includes photos, descriptions, and cultural FAQ.
Victoriana Nursery Gardens
UK supplier of bulbs, fuschias, fruit and vegetable seeds and plants, pond kits, ground cover and border plants.
Wallace-Woodstock, Inc.
Tree and landscape provider in northwest Wisconsin providing a range of flowering, ornamental, deciduous, and evergreen trees and shrubs.
Wavecrest Nursery
Rare and unusual trees and shrubs.
Wayside Gardens
A source of perennials, bulbs, shrubs, roses and trees. Also offering garden supplies, gifts, art, and a free catalog and newsletter.
Weird Dude's Plant Zoo
Retail and mail order nursery specializing in rare and unusual perennials, trees, shrubs, alpines, and tropicals.
Sells a range of plants, kits, pots, and boxes for little gardens.
World Plants
Oregon nursery specializing in rare plants from all corners of the world, many custom collected.
Yucca Do Nursery
Texas nursery selling perennials, cycads, grasses, palms, bromeliads, succulents, agaves, yuccas, and other subtropical plants, with an emphasis on drought-hardy Texan and Mexican rare plants.