Air Oasis
Offers a product that combines two technologies, ozone and UV, to reduce particulates, bacteria, mold, viruses, fungi, gases, odors, and dust.
Carter Telnet Group
Distributors of electronic air and water purification units.
Enviro Health Tech
Markets ozone devices for cleaning indoor air and purifying water.
Fresh Air Ionizers
Sells ionizers made in the USA for home, automotive and office applications.
HealthQuest Technologies L.C.C.
Sells air purifiers that use UV light, ozone, and negative ions as well as mold test kits and reverse osmosis water systems. Provides a technology overview and comparisons with other technologies.
Indoor Purification Systems
Supplies ozone and negative ion products for home; negative ion systems for automotive use.
Peak Pure Air Mechanical Contracting, Inc.
Offers air purifiers using multiple technologies including HEPA, Ions, and electrostatic.
Quantum Electronics Corporation
Markets AccuAire and RoomMate ozone systems.
Rick Froneberger
Offers ozone machines, negative ion generators, and clean air consulting.
Wellness and Energy Products
Provides air quality items including ozone generators and air purifiers.