A Taste of Amish Country
Authentic homemade Amish food, including jams, butters, sweets, salad dressings and baked goods. Shipping within the US.
Amish Acres Foodstuff
Amish fresh baked foods and canned goods. Items for buying include apple butters, cake mixes, syrups, corn noodles, and Indiana popcorn. Links to other local shops and sites providing Amish novelties.
Amish Country Store
Products including Cope's dried sweet corn, bacon dressing, shoofly pie mix, apple butter, birch beer, pretzels, and Guggisberg baby swiss. Secure credit orders accepted.
Aunt Sarah's Kitchen
Cheeses, meats, jellies, fudges, candies, wood items and books from Illinois Amish country. Provides secure mail and credit ordering online.
Fern's Country Foods
Amish Country general store featuring jams, jellies, bread and cinamon rolls, soups, meats, and homemade noodles.
Root's Country Market and Auction
Includes Amish foods and produce with online auction for purchasing. Has complete list of goods for purchasing with shopping catalog.
The Ingredient Store - Ames Company
Amish fruit preserves, dried corn, dressings, and dried apples.
Vintage General Store
Carries Amish goods including peanut butter, jellies, breads, cake mixes, and canned specialties. Mail order deliveries in U.S only.