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Dore's Ukrainian Pysanky and Batik Eggs
Gallery of previously sold and current eggs, with history and order information.
Eggs Elegant: A Treasured Pysanka D'art
Decorated creations for purchase. Also has illustrations and instructions for those wishing to learn the art.
Offering custom batik designs for life's milestones.
Eggstraordinary Eggs
Offering pysanky in basic and complex designs including trypilian. Includes step-by-step process with photographs.
First ArtShop
Offers a photo gallery of items for sale. Also has detailed instructions, with pictures, of the wax and non-wax methods of the pysanky process.
Gail's Pysanky
Ukrainian egg artist offers a variety of designs. Includes legends and tells the meanings of the motifs.
Grade A Ukrainian Eggs
Offers folk-art designs, cut, sculptured, and traditional pysanky.
Olga's Eggs-Files
Traditional designs on quail, chicken, duck, goose, and ostrich. Offers a step-by-step process for creating a pysanka and history of the signs and symbols.
Ukrainian pysanky creations in floral and geometric designs by Linda Hubert.
Pysanka World
Hand-painted flower designs on wooden eggs from the Ukraine.
Pysanky by Lorrie Popow
Traditional and contemporary designs made from quail, chicken, goose, rhea and ostrich eggs.
Pysanky Jewels
Handmade earrings, necklaces, pins, and eggs of all sizes in pysanky style by Stephanie Astalos-Jones.
Pysanky Showcase
Offers traditional, contemporary and celtic designs that have been dyed or etched. Also information on symbols and a how-to guide.
Ukrainian Easter Eggs
Canadian seller of pysanky designs on ostrich and goose shells.
Ukrainian Gift Shop
Retailer of egg decorating supplies required for the art of pysanky. Includes kits, books, dyes, and kistky.