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Beacon DV Dieting Video, Chiropractic Video, Delphi Video, Easy Qi Gong with 4 Minute Fitness, Ecumenicl Society of Psy, Health Visions, Inc., Holomedica, Inner Self Center Institute, Kiai Jitsu, Learn Baby Massage
Attention Deficit Disorder Video
Video about understanding the diagnosis and treatment of attention deficit disorder in children and adults.
Bipolar Disorder
Video offering candid opinions on treatment and management of bipolar disorder.
Bipolar Disorder Video Series
Candid opinions from Ohio mental health professionals regarding treatment options and coping strategies for bipolar disorder and depression.
Breast Augmentation Video
Educational video for women considering breast implants and breast augmentation.
Educational Health Video
An anti-smoking educational video for 7th-12th grade.
Healing Back Pain
Information about back pain and how to order video.
Lydia Wong
Information about exercise videos and how to order them.
Exercise video's specificly designed for disabled, handicapped, disesases, and long term health conditions.
Sandra Martin Productions
Information on educational videos for health care, aging, physical and mental disabilities, alzheimers disease, and death and dying.
Stop the Drops
Information about video for pelvic floor function, weakness and stress incontinence, and how to order.
Wigmore Diet
Diet information, books, DVDs and video tapes.