Anneke's Needleworks, Barbara Russell Designs, Canvas King, Handpainted Needlepoint Canvases, Joy Juarez, M's Canvashouse, Mindy's Needlepoint Factory, Nathalie May Needle Arts, Needlepoint Alley, Needlepoint Heaven
Bozo Needlepoint Dog Collars, Cleopatra's Needle, Ehrman Tapestry, Hills Tapestry Designs, Isobel Hunt Embroidery, Janet Granger Designs, Jazz Design, Jem Designs, Moot House Designs, Najlas Tramme and Needlepoint
Abracadabra Art and Needle Magic
Original hand painted canvases, kits, and supplies, searchable by theme or by end-use item function.
Aida Clothworks
Offers hand painted canvas including reproductions, Christmas stockings and other designs. Also includes stitching and painting hints.
Albany Hill
Wide variety of designs both in chart and kit form, from several UK designers.
Animal Fayre
A variety of original designer tapestry kits from Celtic Art to Far Eastern mythology.
Bucherie French Needlepoint
Needlepoint designs of all French styles, from the smallest square to large hangings, & armchairs.
Cissy Rinkums
Tapestry kits and charts combining classical and contemporary elements.
Crafting with Nani
Selling instructional needlepoint videos and eyeglass beaded chains.
Dick and Jane Fine Needlework
Sells canvases and wool, featuring designs by Pippin.
Dunwoody Needle Works
Offers designer painted canvases, threads, notions, bags.
Elaine Magnin Needlepoint
Canvases and supplies for needlepoint. Also offers finishing services.
First and Last Stitch
Offering custom painted canvases, threads, kits and blank items. Includes information on classes and finishing services.
FW Crafts
Specializes in canvas and kits including mini designs, pillow-size, and tallis bags.
Gobelin Virtual Gallery
Offers needlepoint tapestries of different subject. Catalog of products, order by e-mail.
Jane Aurich Exquisite Needlepoint
Hand-painted needlepoint designs of flowers, animals, Christmas, native American motifs.
Jeannettes Needlecraft Shoppe
Offers needlepoint canvases and tramme kits. Finishing services of all needlecraft projects. How-to of tramme kits.
Joan Green Designs
Offers plastic canvas supplies, including original needlecraft patterns, kits, and Rainbow Gallery Yarns.
Knight Time Miniatures Embroideries
Offers miniature needlepoint kits based mainly on historical artwork. Suitable for dolls' house wall hangings or as miniature pictures for the home. Catalog of designs, ordering information.
Lani's Needlepoint
Offers hand-painted designs and fibers, needlepoint kits, supplies, canvases, books, and classes.
Magic Needle
Handpainted needlepoint designs featuring art reproductions, dollhouses, Judaica, careers, sayings, nature, children, and holidays. Kits and finishing services available.
Needle Treasure
Offers painted needlepoint canvases, DMC treads and needlepoint supplies.
Offers a wide selection of handpainted canvases, threads, books, and accessories.
NeedlePoint Etc
Handpainted designs featuring Hawaii, tropical, oriental and Christmas. Also offer a wide variety of fibers and threads.
Needlepoint, Inc.
Features a variety of hand-painted canvases and needlepoint silk.
Needlework Emporium
Retailer of beautiful tapestry kits from several name designers.
Needlework with Judy Souliotis
Offering original kits, many of which are Asian in design. Also contains Judy's teaching portfolio.
Pasttimes Needlepoint
Offers handpainted needlepoint canvases, specialty threads and needlepoint kits.
Collection of floral, Shaker style and animal needlepoint kits and canvases for cushions, pillows and pictures, designed and made in the UK and shipped globally.
Samantha Taylor Needlepoint
European kits and canvases designed for beginner or expert.
The Needlepointer
Features a catalog of needlepoint supplies, canvases, threads, accessories, books, classes and a newsletter of tips.
The Needleworks
Needlepoint from leading artists throughout North America.
The Stitcher's Workshop
Offers needlepoint kits, threads, as well as cross stitch, embroidery, ribbon, and canvas.
Tramme kits and pre-worked needlepoint canvases imported from Madeira, Portugal and other countries.
White Apple Designs
Offers kits designed by Lynn Locke featuring fruit, floral, Art Nouveau and animals.
Yarns, handpainted and pre-worked, center filled needlepoint kits.