promoting the design, installation, and operation of a Personal Rapid Transit system in the city of Austin, Texas.
Advanced Transport Systems, Ltd.
Spinoff from Advanced Transport Group, University of Bristol, UK. Researching, designing ULTra monorail PRT system. Descriptions, background, facts, downloads, images, news, environment information, contacts.
Citizens for Personal Rapid Transit
A grassroots organization promoting Personal Rapid Transit
Personal rapid transit that may go 100 mph and should cost less than roads or traditional fixed guideway rail systems.
SkyWeb Express Personal Rapid Transit
Transit system of small, computer controlled vehicles traveling on-demand nonstop between stations on a network of slim guideways. Part of Taxi 2000 Corp.
Taxi 2000 Corp.
Proposed, prototyped system. Personal Rapid Transit article by Dr. J. Edward Anderson states design philosophy, economics, operation, optimization, potential. Descriptions, diagrams, photographs, videos, news, FAQs, links.