A Bridge to Remember
Short introduction with some statistics about the Tacoma Narrows bridge.
Bridge Resonance
Usenet post from alt.folklore.urban seeks to debunk theory that Tacoma Narrows bridge failed by resonance.
Gig Harbor, Washington
Annotated photos of the Tacoma Narrows bridge collapse, and photo of new bridge.
Tacoma Narrows Bridge
MPEG video clip and 9 annotated thumbnail photos.
Tacoma Narrows Bridge
Description of events, pages about the disaster event, the modern day bridge, and detailed comparison of the old and new bridges with drawings and impact map.
The Tacoma Bridge Failure
Two short slides from Australian Photonics with information on the collapse, and an MPEG movie file.
The Tacoma Narrows Bridge Failure
Student report on Tacoma Narrows bridge collapse with short discussion and conclusion.