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Environmental Test Facility
The Environmental Test Facility (ETF) provides simulated environments for development, qualification, acceptance and research testing of space flight hardware for NASA, other government agencies, and commercial customers.
Tracks spacecraft in real time: shuttle, space station, and satellites. [Requires JVM]
Marshall Space Flight Center
Marshall is the world leader in space propulsion and transportation systems. The Center is also making significant contributions to the International Space Station, scheduled for completion in 2004.
NASA Marshall Space Flight Center Space News
Latest news plus photos, fact sheets, and press kits for the Marshall Center.
NASA/Marshall Solar Physics
The Solar Physics Branch of Marshall Space Flight Center's (MSFC) Space Sciences Laboratory (SSL) is composed of 15 scientists involved in various studies of the physics of the Sun.
The Marshall Space Flight Center Technology Transfer Program seeks to stimulate broad use of NASA-developed technologies by American private enterprise.
Space Transportation
NASA Marshall is leading the space transportation revolution by developing technologies to make future space transportation like today's air travel.