NASA Contacts Pioneer 10 Spacecraft
News update on the continued signal from the extrasolar craft.
Pioneer 10
Spacecraft and mission profile from the National Space Science Data Center.
Pioneer 10 and 11
NASA's homepage for the Pioneer 10 and 11 missions, still continuing to send back data. Includes a detailed review of the present functioning of the Pioneer 10 satellite.
Pioneer 10 Makes Contact
One of the most distant probes ever launched into space has contacted Earth to say all is well. [BBC News]
Pioneer 10 Online Data Set Selector
Calculator which can tell you the location of the Pioneer 10 spacecraft.
Pioneer 10 Spacecraft Sends Last Signal
The last, very week signal was in January, a subsequent attempt at contact failed.
Pioneer 11
Spacecraft and mission profile from the National Space Science Data Center.
Pioneer 4
Spacecraft and mission profile from the National Space Science Data Center.
Pioneer Images from NASA
Pioneer images including the "plaque" showing human kind.
The Little Spacecraft that Could . and Did
Article describing the continuing Pioneer mission. [Scientific American]