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Asteroids and Comets
Deep Impact, Deep Space 1, Near Earth Asteroid Rendezvous, Stardust, 67p/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, ANTS Asteroid Survey, CONTOUR, Giotto, Giotto, Hayabusa (Muses-C), MUSES-C, Near Earth Asteroid Prospector, Rosetta, Rosetta Mission
Deep Space
Cassini, Galileo, Genesis, Pioneer, Pluto-Kuiper Express, Ulysses, Voyager, New Horizons
Earth Orbit
Sputnik, CHIPSat, Cluster, Earth Observing 1, Earth Observing System (EOS), ENVISAT, Explorer Spacecraft Series, Explorers Program, Imager for Magnetopause to Aurora Global Explorati, Keo, Solar Anomalous and Magnetospheric Particle Explor
2001 Mars Odyssey, 2003 Mars Exploration Rovers, Mariner, Mars Climate Orbiter, Mars Express, Mars Global Surveyor, Mars Network, Mars Pathfinder, Mars Polar Lander, Nozomi
Mariner 10, Mariner 10 to Venus and Mercury, MarinerView, MESSENGER, MESSENGER
Clementine, Lunar Orbiter, Lunar Prospector, Hiten, Luna Missions, Lunarsat Info Page, Nuke the Moon!, Ranger, Ranger Program, Soviet Missions to the Moon, Surveyor Program, Surveyor to the Moon, The Moon Station
Solar Sails
Cosmos-1, Znamya, How Solar Sails Work, Solar Sails, Solar Sails, Solarvision, Team Encounter
Magellan, Mariner, Pioneer Venus, Venera
A History of Unmanned Space Missions
Chronological listings of unmanned missions from 1957-2004. Includes dates and mission highlights.
Canberra Deep Space Communications Complex
One of the three Deep Space Network stations, CDSCC provides critical communications and tracking information to interplanetary space probes.
Offers description and data on a gamma-ray telescope flown on several space missions.
GAIA: The Galactic Census Project
A European Space Agency astrometry satellite mission designed to determine the composition, formation and evolution of our Galaxy, and create a detailed 3D map of over a billion stars.
Galileo Project
Mission to Jupiter and its moons, Io, Callisto, Europa and Ganymede. Launched in 1989 ended 2003. Offers extensive reports, images and videos.
High Energy Missions
NASA guide to the scientific equipment and research aboard high-energy astrophysics missions.
Infrared Space Observatory
Provides background material and results from the European Space Agency's Infrared Telescope, ISO, as well information for users of the facility.
Provides updated mission status, spacecraft and scientific data about a gamma ray observatory spacecraft of the European Space Agency.
Russian Science Data Center, providing basic overview of science mission.
Provides overview of Russion participation in a mission studying plasma processes with several spacecraft at the L1/L2 Sun/Earth libration points.
International Sun-Earth Explorers
Spacecraft and mission profiles from the National Space Science Data Center.
Kepler Mission
Discovery candidate mission designed to detect and characterize hundreds of Earth-size planets in the Habitable Zone of a wide variety of stars.
Kepler Mission
Mission information and characteristics.
RXTE Mission
Rossi X-Ray Timing Explorer is a Goddard mission which was launched on December 30th, 1995. RXTE is designed to facilitate the study of time variability in the emission of X-ray sources with moderate spectral resolution.
Solar System Exploration: Missions
Browsable information on dozens of interplanetary NASA programs. Includes links to official mission homepages.
Space Interferometry Mission
Scheduled for launch in 2006, the SIM will determine the positions and distances of stars several hundred times more accurately than any previous program. Information on the SIM and its technology.
Space Science Missions of the European Space Agenc
Information and data on those of ESA's past, present, and future satellite missions related to astronomy and astrophysics.
The New Millennium Program
NASA's low-cost, experimental spacecraft program. Includes the "Deep Space" missions.
The Solar and Heliospheric Observatory
Mission information and data on the spaceborn solar observatory.
The Wide Field Infrared Explorer (WIRE)
A spaceborne, cryogenically-cooled imaging telescope designed to explore the evolution of starburst galaxies and to search for protogalaxies.
USGS Astrogeology Research Program
Features planetary imagery, research, GIS, mapping, and image processing software. Offers data from a variety of space mission.
Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE)
Offers project and scientific information on a coming infrared observatory mission to observe stars and galaxies.
XMM - Birmingham University
Provides educational and scientific material about the XMM x-ray observation spacecraft by the astrophysics and space research group.
The European Space Agency's XMM satellite official home page. News updates and multimedia.