Tube Data Sheets
Data Sheets, Triode Electronics, Tube Data Sheet Locator, Tube DATA sheets, Tube database search, WPS
Åke's Tube data
Very extensive list of various types of tube information including electronics humor section.
Cathode Corner
A scope clock, and tiny scope museum. The "Scope Clock" kit may be purchased.
Clocks with Nixietubes
Various types of time keeping devices made with Nixie tubes and Nixie tube like componenets.
Dr. Tube
Tube amp schematics, tube datasheets and other tube related technical info.
Duncan's Amp Pages
Internet resource for vacuum tubes.A data sheet data base for tubes. SPICE models for vacuum tubes, and software available for download.
Care and feeding of power grid tubes. A lot of information on beam power tubes also.
Frank Philipse
Vacuum tube, vintage radio and electronics information. Extensive listings of tube data sheets.
Frank's Electron tube Pages
Data sheets, search, history, tube bases, and numbering systems, substitution list and an extensive link list. All you would need to know about vacuum tubes.
Some excellent theory, vacuum tube circuits, manuals, intersting stories and information.
Heathkit Links
Quite a few good links to tube parts sources.
JMH's Virtual Valve Museum
An extensive collection of pictures and information of old, unusual and unique vacuum tubes.
Mike's Electric Stuff
Antique glass and vacuum stuff, for electronics and high voltage.
Nixie and Dekatron tubes
Some pictures of Nixie and other types of old and unusual vacuum glass tubes.
RadioPistoia By Pierluigi
Audio tube amplifier project. European tube number guide. Links to other tube sites.
Shortwave Transmitter Tubes
A service from TDP with links to and information about the manufacturers, rebuilders and distributors/suppliers of tubes. An extensive list of data sheet sources.
Svetlana Applications Notes
Application notes on the care and feeding of Svetlana tubes, mostly for high power service.
Vacuum tube equations, design and technical information.
The invention of the vacuum tube
In 1879, the legendary American inventor Thomas Edison publicly exhibited his incandescent electric light bulb for the first time. This led to the invention of the vacuum tube.
The Tube CAD Journal
A monthly webzine devoted to vacuum tube circuit design and understanding.
The Tubes and Valves Online Database
European electron tube charts with characteristic data, basing diagrams, and application info, includes Russian types.
Triode Electronics
Tubes and parts for Hi-Fi, Radio and Guitar. Tube data and amp schematics online, links to tube amp information on the web
Tube Collectors Association
A great resource for tube theory and operation. Quite a bit of history also.
Tube Rebuilders
Technical data, theory, trouble shooting information for high power tubes.
Vacuum tube FAQ
How to use them and how they work. List of tubes and what they are used for.
Vacuum Tube FAQ
How to use them and how they work. One of the more accurate vacuum tube FAQs on the net.
Vacuum Tube Index
Vacuum tube resources for students and more advanced users.Everything from fundamental techniques to SPICE simulation.
Vacuum tube links
A long list mostly audio stuff. Links to substitution guides, data sheet sites.
Vacuum Tubes
N9TEW is supplier of vacuum tubes for ham, audio and antique radio purposes.
Vintage H.H. Scott Hi-Fi Stereo Archive
This site promotes open sharing of information, understanding and historic appreciation of vintage H.H. Scott (vacuum tube) consumer high fidelity audio products produced from 1946 through 1966.
World Tube Audio Portal
Audio tube related link list, forums and newsgroups, tube amplifier collection and tweaking. Audio amplifiers that use tubes. Tube replacement list included.