Bahadori, Shahram
Interests human body detection and tracking, object recognition, stereo vision and segmentation, autonomus robot navigation.
Cheng Long Adam Wang
Information on resume, researcy, contacts and digital image processing.
Decencière, Etienne
Works at the Centre for Mathematical Morphology. Main research interests: film and video restoration, motion estimation, characterization of topographic surfaces.
El-Hussuna, Dr. Alaa
A plastic surgeon and image analysis researcher with information on education, work experience, research, publications and contact.
Hanson, Kenneth
A researcher in areas of Bayesian tomographic reconstruction from limited data, 3D tomographic reconstruction, optical tomography, and the evaluation of reconstruction methods based on visual task performance.
Leykin, Alex
Personal info, research interests and academics.
Poliannikov, Oleg V.
The official homepage of Oleg V. Poliannikov at NC State University. Contains the latest version of the resume as well as information about scientific interests and achievements.
Porikli, F.
PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering with information on publications, thesis, research, experience and patents.
Preiss, Walter
Samples of high speed video camera systems, background and links.
Shademan, Azad
Personal Page: Research interests, resume, image processing links.
Siebel, Nils T
Describes research work on people tracking for visual surveillance, software engineering aspects of vision systems and the application of computer vision to robot control.
Tizhoosh, Hamid R.
Resume, publications, research and teaching interests (Fuzzy image processing)
Yao, Huey
A graduate student majoring in Computer Science with information on research, resume and the results of an automatic target recognition project funding by Raytheon Company.