Boosting Sonoluminescence
Accepted for publication in 1996, this paper describes how a bimodal sound excitation can enhance light production.
Direct Observations of Single Sonoluminescence Pul
To investigate the physical processes underlying the phenomenon of sonoluminescence, researchers attempted to measure the diameter and duration of single sonoluminescence flashes.
Impulse Devices
Developing a Sonofusion power generator which harnesses the energy in sonoluminescence to provide the necessary temperatures for fusion reactions.
Latest Research Results in Sonoluminescence
From 1999, provides results and experimental setup.
Physics News Graphics: The Sonoluminescence Proces
Provides a four step theory on sonoluminescence.
Scientific American: Sonoluminescence
Provides explaination of why it is unlikely that sonoluminescence produces the conditions necessary to initiate or facilitate nuclear fusion, as suggested in the movie "Chain Reaction"?
Single Bubble Sonoluminescence
Provides detailed instructions on how to produce single and multi bubble sonoluminescence.
By Chris Petersen. Provides history, overview and specifics of his experiment.
Provides history, properties and theories.
Short discussion on the radius of a bubble undergoing sonoluminescence as a function of time.
Sonoluminescence and Medical Ultrasound
Provides diagrams of what sonoluminescence may look like close up.
Sonoluminescence Experiment: Sound Into Light
W.A. Steer's account of his work to construct apparatus to enable the observation of sonoluminescence, to investigate its basic properties, and leave a kit and instructions to form the basis of a future final-year undergraduate experiment.
Sonoluminescence in Space at Boston University
Proposes to study sonoluminescence in space and in microgravity.
Sonoluminescence Report (John Robson)
A summary of the history and prevailing theories of sonoluminescence are presented. Details of the constructed rig are given, with reasons for the choices of each piece of equipment. Although sonoluminescence was not obtained, the work did solve some of the major problems involved with producing the phenomenon.
Maker of sonoluminescence kits. Provides instructions and suggested experiments.
Sonoluminescence: an Introduction
Answers to questions "What is sonoluminescence?", "Why is it so interesting?" and "What do we know about it?"
Symposium on Sonoluminescence
Provides abstracts for a symposium held at the University of Chicago in 1997.
The Casimir Effect: Physical Manifestations of Zer
Describes the connection between the Casimir effect and sonoluminescence. Full text in PDF, PS and DVI file formats.
The Chemical and Physical Effects of Ultrasound
Provides background on how sonoluminescence can be used in chemistry.