Level Measurement, Sensors and Transducers, Applied Test Systems Inc., Baugh&Weedon Ltd., Centurion NDT, Inc., Class Instrumentation Limited, Cygnus Instruments Ltd., Dapco Industries, DeFelsko Corporation, Detek Inc., Digital Wave Corp., Dr.-Ing. Georg Wazau Mess- und Prüfsysteme GmbH (G
NDT - Non Ultrasonic Methods
Ardente & Associates, Co-axial shunt current probes, CoreStar International Corp, ExSell Inc., Holroyd Instruments, ibg NDT Systems Corp., Innovative Dynamics Inc., Team Engineering UK Ltd, Thermaco Engineering Services ( 1986 ) Ltd., VM Products, Inc.
Field: Ultrasound simulation programs, Image processing for Automated Non-destructive Tes, Imagine3D Ultrasonic Simulation Software, Inspection Software Limited (UK), NDTSoft, TASI Technical Software, Ultrasound Field Simulation, Ultrasound Simulator, Ultrasound Ray-Tracing, Wave Imaging, Weidlinger Associates, Inc. (USA)
Advanced Material Solutions Inc.
Offer NDT and NDE services, process analysis and inspection services.
AEA Technology
Offers services for NDT users including: research and development, consultancy, training, inspection services and a range of NDT products . Links to other organisations and a list of forthcoming events worldwide.
Anatec International Corp.
Full service non destructive examination (NDE) and inspection services for the power, petrochemical, construction, defense and transportation industries.
Anser Inc.
Provide sonic, ultrasonic, and vibration analysis non-destructive testing of heat exchanger tubing.
Applied Acoustics, Materials and Systems
Ultrasonic nondestructive testing, acoustical control and characterisation of media and materials vibrations analysis. France.
Bright Technical Services Inc.
Services worldwide to users of nondestructive testing. NDT equipment calibration, training, certification programs, and level iii services.
C D International Technology, Inc.
Consulting and training services for NDT and supplier of related equipment including ultrasonic transducers and pipeline inspection, ultrasonic and eddy current testing systems. Product data sheets and specifications.
Centralne Laboratorium Badañ Nieniszcz±cych i Us³u
Polish central laboratory for non destructive examinations and technical services .
Certified Testing Systems Inc. (USA)
Supplier of technical and professional services in non-destructive testing, predictive plant maintenance, industrial inspection and consulting.
Provide condition monitoring services and represent manufacturers of force, strain, pressure, vibration, displacement and ultrasonic leak detection sensors and instruments. Includes tech tips and theory. Australia .
Dunegan Engineering Consultants Inc.
Offer acoustic emission testing, training and inspection services, including nondestructive testing, leak, corrosion and crack detection, and model analysis and reporting.
East Coast Industries, Inc.
Offer a range of non destructive testing services including ultrasonic pipe and tank testing, infrared electrical inspection, vibration analysis, and advanced corrosion monitoring .
EDM International, Inc.
Offer inspection and assessment services for the electric utility, construction and forest products industries.
Enercheck Systems, Inc.
Ultrasonic inspection of steam traps, electrical and compressed air/gas systems, and distributor of ultrasonic testing instrumentation. Theory, tech tips and technical articles.
Global X-Ray & Testing Corporation
Provide NDT testing services which include automated ultrasonic inspection, gamma and x-ray radiography, ultrasonic flaw detection, thickness gauging, magnetic particle testing, and liquid penetrant testing .
Godfrey Hands Ltd.
Resonant inspection and non-destructive testing consultants including C-scan ultrasonic testing services up to 80 MHz.
Halkin International
Provide non-invasive NDT on site inspection and testing services for wire rope, drawbridge, conveyor belt, crane inspection, and other related applications.
Instrumentation Innovation Ltd
Offers a range of services including advice on ultrasound systems and visualization of ultrasound . Photo and video clips of the visualization system and public-domain technical reports .
Lavender International
Provides and supplies ndt examination, training and consultancy services. Links to industry resources and an online facility for buying books and training courses.
NDE Professionals Inc.
Provide quality control consulting, and a range of ndt and training services including radiography, ultrasoncic, penetrant and magnetic particle.
NDT Services Inc.
Provides training and consulting services for quality control. Includes downloadable checklist and audit forms.
NDTech (USA)
Offer a range of nondestructive testing (NDT) consulting, training, products, and field services. a division of Electro-Mechanical Components, Inc. .
Offer a range of NDT testing services including x-ray, ultrasonic, eddy current and magnetic particle. Italy .
Quality Material Inspection Inc.
Provide industrial non destructive testing services, fabrication of equipment and products for ultrasonic and eddy current techniques.
Reinhart & Associates Inc.
Provides independent engineering and inspection services to the utility, petrochemical, papermill, aircraft, aerospace, and construction industries. Nondestructive evaluation (NDE), stress analysis, and fracture mechanics .
Research and Development Institute for Electrical
A Laboratory specialized in Research and Development for Computerized Control, Monitoring and Non-Destructive Testing, including associated Hardware, Software, Electrical and Mechanical Design.
Rosen Group
Inspection services for complex and sensitive engineering structures, oil and gas pipeline systems, above-ground storage tanks and associated facilities . Photographic slide shows of products and services.
RTE Akustik + Prüftechnik
Provide products and services in noise and vibration analysis in volume production, machine and process monitoring using acoustic methods and development of acoustic methods and measuring systems. Germany .
SCITEK Consultants
Engineering services for fluid mechanics, rig design, computer software, digital electronics and seeding generators for ldv and piv . The company also develop and manufacture liquid and solid particle seeding devices.
Southern Research Institute
Offer services and products including ultrasonic spectroscopy for nondestructive testing. Technical theory and papers available for download in pdf format .
Zevenaar Elektronica & Sensoren (NL)
Development services for sensors, electronics, software, and measurement systems. Manufacturer of equipment for non-destructive testing. Ultrasonic amplifier.