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American Society for Public Administration (ASPA)
Promotes professionalism in public administration. Contains information about membership, publications, conferences, and chapters.
Commonwealth Association for Public Administration
International association dedicated to strengthening public management. Includes information about conferences and publications.
European Group of Public Administration (EGPA)
Promotes contacts and exchanges among scholars and practitioners of public administration in Europe. Contains information about conferences, study groups, and research groups.
Institute of Public Administration (IPA)
A private, nonprofit organization based in New York concerned with building capacity for effective government. Information about research programs, publications, and associates.
Institute of Public Administration Australia (IPAA
Promotes good governance and excellence in public administration. Includes information on publications, membership, programs, and links to State/Territory Divisions.
Institutional membership organization which exists to promote excellence in public service education. Contains information about the accreditation process, publications, and conferences.
National Academy of Public Administration
Nonpartisan organization chartered by Congress to help public organizations improve their effectiveness. Contains information about their projects, events and publications.
Nicolaas Witsen Foundation
An independent, not-for-profit organization promoting public administration reform in Europe's transitional countries. Includes information about their publications, projects, and events.
Public Strategies Group
Information about the consulting firm, including numerous articles by David Osborne and other PSG partners.
Smarter Partnerships
Organization dedicated to helping users improve inter-agency partnerships. Includes interactive assessment tools to diagnose development and learning needs.
The Center for Good Governance
Provides technical assistance, training and applied research to help build effective government, particularly in countries undergoing transitions to democracy.