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Online Experiments
Academic Computing Online Surveys, Anthony Little's Lab, Bem Sex Role Inventory, Cambridge-Southampton Social Psychology Web-lab, Cognitive Neuropsychology Experiment Site, Communication of Health Risk, Face Research: Studying how we perceive people, FacePrints, Internet psychology - Cyber-minds.net, Internet-Based Experiments
Products and Services
Software, 21st Century Assessment, A & M Psychometrics, LLC, Assessment Systems Corporation, Cognitive Assessment and Development, Consulting Psychologists Press Catalog, Initforlife.com, nferNelson Assessments, Outofservice.com, Oxford Psychologists Press, PsychData.net
Applied Psychometric Society, Article: Increasing the Validity of Adapted Tests, Bayesian Factor Analysis, Factor Analysis, Ingrid Yahoo Group, Institute for Objective Measurement, Item Response Theory, Jefferson Psychometric Lab, L-BFGS-B Nonlinear Optimization Code, Latent Class Analysis and Latent Class Models
About.com: Psychological Testing and Assessment
Information and resources about educational and psychological testing and assessment, including a glossary of terms, guidelines and standards, and links to a selection of online tests.
American Board of Assessment Psychology
Certification board for psychologists specializing in assessment. Includes list of members, details of annual conference, and newsletter.
APA Science Directorate: Testing and Assessment
American Psychological Association. Provides information on psychological testing and assessment, acquiring psychological tests, and ordering the Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing guide.
Association of Test Publishers
An association of test publishers for industrial, clinical and educational institutions. Includes newsletters and articles addressing issues relevant to selection testing.
BENET Clinical Assessment
Selected assessment resources in clinical psychology, neuropsychology and behavior analysis.
Buros Institute
The Buros Institute publishes the Mental Measurements Yearbook and Tests in Print. This site provides information and links to other resources for locating both tests and evaluative reviews of tests.
Cause, chance and Bayesian statistics
Briefing document to facilitate understanding Bayesian statistics, including its application to intelligence quotient statistics.
Intelligence and Nurture
General information about psychological testing with emphasis on giftedness testing and childhood nurture. Brief overview of testing theory, reliabilty, validity.
Psych Central - Self-Help Quizzes
Short quizzes for self-diagnosis of adult ADD, depression, mania, eating disorders, OCD, sexual addiction, and domestic violence.
Psychological Testing
Describes commonly used psychological tests, including their development and typical applications. Mental health job postings and discussion of issues and news related to professional psychology are also available.
Psychological Testing
Testing and assessment information from the British Psychological Society. Includes a test taker's guide, and review of occupational testing.
Psychological Testing
A description of the types of Psychological Tests, the justification for their uses, and client rights.
Test Locator
Searchable database
Tests and Measures in the Social Sciences
Keyword and author index to more than 7000 full text assessment instruments available in over 70 compilation volumes.