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Answers Private Detective Agency, Australian Polygraph Services, Centre for Forensic Psychophysiology Ltd., Charles Lynch Polygraph, Cops, Inc., Credential Investigations Group, LLC, Distress Services UK, Imbordino Polygraph Examinations, LLC, IQM Inc., J R Investigations
Professional Organizations
American Association of Police Polygraphists (AAPP, American Polygraph Association (APA), Polygraph Association of South Africa (PASA)
Agencies, Employees Spar over Lie Detector Tests
Well-researched article on polygraph screening. [National Journal]
Examines possible abuse associated with the use of polygraphs. Provides informational resources and discussion forum.
Bruno Verschuere
Researcher's home page with dissertation, publications and presentations on the concealed information test and psychopathy.
Charles L. Yeschke
Articles by former polygraphist and author of 3 books on investigation, interrogation, and investigative use of polygraph, who conducts training seminars.
DoD Polygraph Institute
US Department of Defense institute in Fort Jackson, South Carolina which does polygraph research and trains federal polygraphers.
Federation of American Scientists: Polygraph Polic
Official documents and other resources on polygraph testing.
HowStuffWorks: How Lie Detectors Work
Animated article shows how lie detectors really work and some popular countermeasures.
Journal of Credibility Assessment and Witness Psyc
Web-based journal for the scientific study of methods of credibility assessment including polygraph testing.
Lies, Damned Lies and Polygraphs
"'Tea leaves and witchcraft' are keeping hundreds of qualified, innocent people out of government jobs." By Jeff Stein. [Salon]
Lying 'Lie Detectors'
"Bureaucratic reliance on today's fault-ridden system lets well-trained spies and terrorists penetrate our defenses." By William Safire. [New York Times] [Free subscription required.]
Passing the Polygraph
"Professional criminals are the ones most likely to beat the lie detector." By Susan McCarthy. [Salon]
Polygraph and Lie Detection, The
Full text of report by National Academy of Sciences for US Department of Energy, finding polygraphs too inaccurate to be relied on in security screening.
Polygraph Law Resource Page
Legal documents and testimony concerning the admissability of polygraphs in US legal system by Professor Charles R. Honts of Boise State.
Polygraph Place, The
Commercial listings of polygraph examiners by area, and of schools, equipment, software, and insurance.
Polygraphs and the National Labs: Dangerous Ruse U
"The scientists at the national laboratories are willing to sacrifice some of their constitutional protections for meaningful benefits to security, but they are unwilling to do so for nonsense." By Alan Zelicoff. [Skeptical Inquirer]
Polygraphs: Worse Than Useless
Editorial criticizing US government reliance on polygraphs by senior scientist with the Center for National Security and Arms Control, Alan Zelikoff. [Washington Post]
Scientists Attack Polygraph's Accuracy
"Polygraph tests used by nearly every federal national-security agency as a screening tool will flag loyal workers as security risks and free actual spies from suspicion, a panel of top scientists reported Tuesday." By Ian Hoffman. [Oakland Tribune]
Scientists Give the Lie to Polygraph Testing
"Polygraph testing for national security screening is little more than junk science, with results so inaccurate that they tend to be counterproductive, according to a long-awaited report released Tuesday by the National Academy of Sciences." By Charles Piller. [Los Angeles Times]
Stop Polygraph.com
Information about the inaccuracy of polygraphs, and documentation of abuses, especially by US Secret Service.
Telling the Truth About Lie Detectors
"A long-time law enforcement favorite, the lie detector, now finds itself sweating the hot lights of scientific inquiry." By Dan Vergano. [USA Today]
The Truth About Polygraphs?
"Convicted CIA spy Aldrich H. Ames attacks the use of polygraph examinations as 'pseudoscience,' saying he knows from experience that they do not work in counterintelligence investigations." By Vernon Loeb. [Washington Post]
The Truth about the Polygraph
"It's junk science, but proponents say it can be a useful tool in interrogations, and even a deterrent." By Susan McCarthy. [Salon]
Use of the Polygraph in Security Clearance Determi
History and procedure of the US government's use of polygraphs in security clearance screenings. [Security Management]
Using the Polygraph to Detect Lying and Deception:
Article describing the lack of scientific basis for use of polygraph to detect lying and deception. [Electronic Journal of Forensic Psychonomics]