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Bird's Lucid Dreaming Website
Lucid dreaming tips, techniques, book reviews, induction devices, links, message board, and public research. Also markets lucidity cds and an e-book entitled, "The Ultimate Lucid Dreamer's Manual," by Marc Vandekeere.
Course in Consciousness
Online e-book course with sections on lucid dreaming by author Ian Wilson. Also includes dream research, a dream art gallery, and information on out of body experiences.
Dream Views
A complete walkthrough of lucid dreaming, controlling dreams, sleep stages, dream recall, and dream signs. Also includes both practical and impractical reasons for experimenting with lucid dreaming, as well as tutorials and an active message forum.
Lars' Lucid Dreaming FAQ
Extensive FAQ covering all the usual aspects of lucid dreaming, along with more specialized content: inducing precognitive dreams, affecting physical matter via dreams, sharing dreams, extending time in dreams, and using herbs to promote dream vividness.
Lucid Dream Induction
Lucid dreaming techniques, links to related sites and documents, message board, lucidity questionnaire, and an essay on induction research by Erin Wamsley.
Lucid Dreamer's Tool-kit
Markets both dream journal software and software designed to help induce lucid dreams. The book, "Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming," by Stephen LaBerge is also available for purchase here.
Lucid Dreaming
Lucid dreaming journal entries by the site's author. The site also offers a brief introduction to lucid dreaming, a regular dream journal, and suggests lucid dreaming books; this page is part of a larger site encompassing self-improvement and inspiration.
Lucid Dreaming 4 All
Techniques on lucid dreams, lucid dreaming suggestions, links, lucid dreaming books, message board, and chat room.
Lucid Sex Dreams
Have a lucid dream about sex through a Lucid Sex Dreams CD--site markets audio discs for both men and women.
More Lucid Dreams Project
A workshop and research project aimed at helping one develop one's lucid dreaming skill. Enrollment is limited and those interested must incur a small fee.
RAM's Lucidity Site
Techniques for lucid dreams, links to related sites, message board, FAQ, author's personal journal, and lucid dreaming accounts.
Hosts the "Lucidity Letter" online. Also includes discussion of dreaming in world culture, links to online and classroom courses, as well as essays on a variety of topics related to lucid dreaming--some of which were written by Jayne Gackenbach and her students.
Stop Sleeping Through Your Dreams
Markets the book, "Stop Sleeping Through Your Dreams: A Guide to Awakening Consciousness During Dream Sleep," by Charles McPhee. Includes excerpts from the book and links to other sites on lucid dreaming.
The Knowledge Base
Contains a short section on lucid dreaming with a few techniques.
The Lucid Crossroads
Covers learning lucid dreaming, lucid dreaming techniques, types of lucid dreams, astral projection, and sleep paralysis. Also includes an ongoing study on sharing dreams and unique content on Lucid Dojo--performing martial arts while lucid.
The Lucid Dream Exchange
A reader supported, quarterly publication that features lucid dreams and articles on lucid dreaming. Readers are encouraged to share their lucid dreaming stories.
The Lucidity Institute
Techniques, message board, FAQ, conference listings, articles; markets books and tapes on lucid dreams as well as lucidity induction devices. Stephen La Berge, author of "Lucid Dreaming," co-author of "Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming," co-editor of "Conscious Mind, Sleeping Brain."
The Site For Sore Eyes -- Lucid Dreaming
An ongoing project encompassing lucid dreaming. Includes relevant background information and insight, information on related subjects (such as out of body experiences), as well as a collection of online resources.
Tryskelion - Lucid Dreaming
Lucid dream FAQs, benefits and drawbacks, tips and techniques, help with dream meanings, and a history of dreams. Also includes an elaborate dream awareness program.