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Black Sea Economic Cooperation Pact
Description of the BSEC's activities.
Center for Agricultural and Rural Development
Academic research and briefings in the Center's main research areas, which includes trade and agricultural policy.
CEPA Working Paper Archive
The Center for Economic Policy Analysis publishes academic papers on international capital markets and capital mobility.
Computational Modelling of International Trade
Lists a range of links for data and models for use in academic modelling of international trade.
Country Reports on Economic Policy and Trade Pract
Chronological index of reports providing a single, comparative analysis of the economic policies and trade practices of certain countries, released by the Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs, of the U.S. Department of State.
DG Enterprise - TBT
EEC Website regarding WTO-Technical Barriers to Trade. Database search of notifications and texts.
Essays on International Economics
Essays on international economics, world trade and politics published by Jock O'Connell.
EU Trade Barriers Kill
A study demonstrating how the trade barriers of EU affect the poor countries, published by the Centre for the New Europe.
European Trade Study Group
The ETSG is a forum for academic discussion and research on international trade among European universities and research institutes.
FlyingFish - The OECD's Crocodile Tears
An essay on globalization, WTO, IMF, the World Bank and the OECD.
Foreign Trade Information System
Information on trading agreements and statistics in the Western Hemisphere.
Global Trade Analysis Project (GTAP)
Provides data, models, and software for multi-region, applied general equilibrium analysis of global economic issues, and organizes training and conferences.
Collection of papers by members of the Institute for International Economics on this topic.
Hot Topics in International Economics
Research that focuses on international economics-related issues, some of which are related to trade policy.
Indian Trade Law Policy
Databases containing Indian foreign trade laws, including those on customs duty, input output norms, export and import policy and baggage rules.
International Economics Network
A portal for international economics and related disciplines with links to research papers, news and commentaries in the field.
International Trade
Site provides annotated links and statistics for international economics.
International Trade Issue Briefings
International trade briefings and other issues in trade policy analysis.
International Trade Policy Course
An interactive on-line course teaching the fundamentals of international trade policy.
International Trade Theory & Policy Analysis
An e-text by Steven Suranovic.
Mr. Smith Goes to Washington
A web-book with seventeen chapters covering a wide range of trade-related issues.
National Tariff Commission, Pakistan
The website for the official government trade body in Pakistan.
North American Free Trade Agreement - NAFTA
The full text of the North American Free Trade Agreement (provided by Organization of American States).
Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Develop
Provides analytical underpinnings to support continued trade liberalisation.
Policies to Attract Foreign Direct Investment
Much recent research has focused on identifying which factors and policies can influence the location decision of multinational companies. Download dozens of papers and cases studies from this online database.
Public Policy Institute of California/CA Global Ec
The Public Policy Institute of California seeks to understand issues such as how U.S. trade agreements affects California?s state's performance in world markets, the effects of import/export traffic on the state's infrastructure, and the role of immigrants in particular industries
Technical and Regulatory Barriers to Trade
Deals with barriers to trade and mutual recognition arrangements.
The Cato Center for Trade Policy Studies
Aims to increase public understanding concerning the benefits of free trade and the costs of protectionism.
The Global Company -- Financial Times
In this twelve part series, correspondents seek to identify what factors make for the best and most successful companies operating in the global economy.
The High Cost of the China-WTO Deal
On U.S. policy regarding China and its entry into the WTO.
Trade and Development Centre
Contains essays, case studies, country overviews and an online discussion forum.
Trade Policy Papers
Contains abstracts and full texts of papers on trade policy by Dan Ciuriak.
Trade Policy Special Report
Articles, and links on free trade issue from the Washington Post newspaper. (Originally posted 1998)
United States Trade Representative
Official website for America's chief trade negotiator and principal advisor to the president.
World Bank International Trade Research
Contains much information relating to international trade.