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Berkeley Roundtable on the International Economy (
An interdisciplinary research project at the University of California at Berkeley that works on issues of technology and the international economy to analyze real-world problems and offer path-breaking positions that challenge conventional economic policy-making.
Brad De Long's Website
A very informative website covering a wide range of network economy issues by University of California at Berkeley Professor of Economics J. Bradford De Long. Professor De Long is an economic historian and specialist in macroeconomic issues. He has also worked as Deputy Assistant Secretary of the U.S. Treasury for Economic Policy during the Clinton Administration from 1993 to 1995.
Business Media at University of St. Gallen
The Business Media Homepage groups together a vast cache of information on the use of electronic networks within businesses. This research project at the Swiss University of St. Gallen was intitiated in the mid-1990s.
Council on Competitiveness
Sets an agenda to encourage U.S. economic competitiveness and leadership in world markets in order to raise the standard of living for Americans. Focus is on strengthening innovation, upgrading the workforce, and benchmarking national economic performance. Memberships is made up of corporate chief executives, university presidents, and labor leaders.
Danny Tyson Quah
Contains much of the ecomometrics works of the London professor. Also, includes on"The Weightless Economy" or better known as the information age.
DaveNet/ UserLand Software
Dave Winer is a software developer (of the internet authoring environment UserLand). On DaveNet, Winer comments on just about anything that crosses his mind, including policy. This makes DaveNet a valuable source to see just what (the most important) parts of the California software developer's community are thinking about.
Dr. Ed Yardeni's Economics Network
Dr. Ed Yardeni is Chief Global Economist and Investment Strategist of Deutsche Bank Securities, New York. The site includes a wealth of information regarding economics, IT and Internet, including policy pointers.
E-conomy Project - Univ. of California-Berkeley
A collaborative project among colleges at the University of California, Berkeley focusing on the profound transformation being wrought by new digital technologies.
Elsevier Science
Elsevier Science is the web resource for the academic publishing house Elsevier. The useful web site contains listings for publications such as Research Policy.
HIIP Homepage
This is the site of the Harvard Information Infrastructure Project Activities at Harvard University. The HIIP has provided a neutral, interdisciplinary forum, in both Cambridge and Washington, for addressing a wide range of emerging policy issues relating to information infrastructure, its development, use, and growth.
Inomics: Economist's Site
An Internet service for economists which contains an economics search engine, job openings for economists, conference calls in economics as well free alert services for the latter.
Michael E. Porter Homepage
Michael E. Porter, Professor at Harvard Business School, is a leading authority on competitive strategy and international competitiveness.
Michael Froomkin's Homepage at UM School of L
Michael Froomkin is Professor of Law at the University of Miami School of Law. He is a well-known expert on issues of Internet governance. His homepage contains valuable information related to the internet, electronic commcerce, law, economics and policy issues.
Nua Internet Surveys
An Ireland-based internet consultant that has for many years provided a links and news resource on internet surveys and electronic commerce information. Especially helpful is the classic "How Many Online" section which contains an "educated guess" on how many people use the internet world-wide.
Reality 2.0
EZine by Doc Searls, Senior Editor of the Linux Journal and co-author of the book The Cluetrain Manifesto. The site is a collection of Doc's thinking, mostly on how marketing will be redefined in the future but also more broadly about the relationship between "users," corporations and governments.
Telepolis (English language)
Telepolis is a German-language ezine focusing on the Internet, technology and policy. It is edited from Munich and London.
The Forum on Technology and Innovation
The Tech Forum was founded by a Democrat and a Republican Senator and aims to inform about issues of technological competitiveness. It is supported by various prestigous foundations and the web site includes numerous audio files of speaking events.
The Industry Standard: The Newsmagazine of the Int
The web site of a weekly IDG publication focused on business news and internet development.
Tornado-Insider.Com is a comprehensive web resource for technology entrepreneurs in Europe. It is affiliated with a pan-European print magazine.
TotalTelecom - World News
TotalTelecom is a resource on telecommunications/ internet business and policy by EMAP Media for global communications professionals.
United States Government Electronic Commerce Polic
A resource on U.S. Electronic Commerce Policy, maintained by the Secretariat for Electronic Commerce. It includes the Framework for Global Electronic Commerce as well as links to government agencies, important documents, international sites, and related organizations.