APSA Directory of Regional and State Organizations
A comprehensive listing of regional and state associations of political scientists, including officers and conference information.
Atlantic Provinces Political Science Association
A listing of the members of the association, their web sites, previous conferences and papers.
British Columbia Political Studies Association
General information, meeting minutes, presentation papers, and related links.
Georgia Political Science Association (USA)
Professional association for political science practitioners and educators in the state of Georgia.
Midwest Political Science Association
Founded in 1939, the Midwest Political Association (MPSA) is a national organization of over 2,800 political science professors, students, and public administrators. The Association is dedicated to the advancement of scholarship in all areas of political science.
North Carolina Political Science Association
Membership forms, bylaws, council information, message board, and contacts.
Northeastern Political Science Association
Information about paper submissions and annual meetings.
Pacific Northwest Political Science Association
Membership and officer information, annual meeting scrapbooks, and links.
Western Political Science Association
Committees, program sections, awards, executive council, agendas, meeting minutes, and links.