english deutsch
African Geopolitics
Quarterly publication in which statesmen and experts express their views on african affairs. Back issues, editorials, documents, and book reviews accessible online. English and French.
American Diplomacy
Quarterly electronic journal of commentary, analysis, and research on American foreign policy and its practice. Full content of current and archived issues, book and site reviews, and announcements given, with selected materials available in Spanish.
AntePodium (AtP)
Interdisciplinary, electronic journal of world affairs published by the Victoria University of Wellington School of Political Science and International Relations. Full text of articles accessible by author, title, and subject, as well as reviews and letters. Editorial policy and submission procedures also provided.
Brown Journal of World Affairs
Semi-annual international affairs journal published at the Watson Institute of International Relations, Brown University. Articles since 1996 available as PDF.
Cambridge Review of International Affairs (CRIA)
Academic journal aims to foster discussion about developing issues and theoretical approaches in the study of international relations from both theorists and practitioners; also hosts an annual conference in association with the Centre of International Studies at the University of Cambridge. Site includes submission guidelines and conference information.
Canadian Foreign Policy/La Politique étrangère du
Journal of foreign and international affairs published by the Norman Paterson School of International Affairs at Carleton University. Site includes background and submission information, past editorials, and abstracts (full text available with subscription).
CIAO: Journals
Collection of abstracts of current issues of international affairs journals, with links to journal home pages where applicable.
Critical Review of International Social and Politi
Transdisciplinary journal focusing on major individual thinkers and major theories in power, equality, sovereignty, liberty, multiculturalism, nationalism other IR topics with special regard to practical policy implications. Contents of selected issues, staff list, and ordering information provided online.
Current History
A journal of contemporary world affairs providing annual coverage of China, the former Soviet Union, the Middle East, Latin America, and Africa and a monthly chronology of world news. Journal history, author-subject index, and abstracts of current and archived issues browsable online; subscription required for full text.
Diplomatic History
Devoted to U.S. international history and foreign relations, published by the Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations. Current table of contents and submission guidelines provided.
Electronic journal of international affairs produced by students at the Norman Paterson School of International Affairs at Carleton University in Ottawa. Current and archived articles and book reviews available, as well as current calls for papers.
Foreign Affairs
Journal of global current events, foreign policy, and international relations published by the Council on Foreign Relations. Chronological, regional, topical, bibliographical, and searchable indices of current and past reports, as well as reader services and magazine background and history. Some content available in Spanish and Japanese. Links to related sites. d
Foreign Policy
Flagship magazine of the Washington, D.C.-based Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. Site features full text from current issue, breaking global news headlines, country intelligence, searchable archives and indices, and related links.
Georgetown Journal of International Affairs
Published by the Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University. Offers PDF versions of articles in the current issue as well as browsable text from past issues.
Harvard International Review
Harvard International Relations Council's premier journal on foreign affairs. Full text of selected articles; abstracts from current issue with searchable index of past issues; information on subscription and submission to the print edition.
International Interactions
International Interactions is an interdisciplinary journal publishing original empirical, analytic and/or theoretical research in the general field of international relations. The journal has particular interest in research that focuses upon the broad range of relations and interactions among the actors in the global system.
International Journal
Published by the Canadian Institute of International Affairs. Profiles of the IJ's editors, prizes, call for papers, and tables of contents for past issues, including article abstracts, available online.
International Organization
Scholarly journal of international affairs and economic and security policy published by MIT Press. Site contains selected hypertext and PDF articles from current and past issues, combined bibliography, submission guidelines and editorial background, and links to IR resources.
International Relations of the Asia-Pacific
Site focuses on the journal for relations between the countries within the Asia-Pacific region; the relations between the Asia-Pacific and the rest of the world as well as general issues and theories of international relations that have a bearing on one or more countries of the Asia-Pacific.
International Security
MIT Press journal which publishes essays on all aspects of the control and use of force, from all political perspectives, covering contemporary, historical, and theoretical questions. Online content includes selected hypertext and PDF articles, editorial and submission guidelines, and papers available by subscription.
International Studies Quarterly
International Studies Quarterly, the official journal of the International Studies Association, seeks to acquaint a broad audience of readers with the best work being done in the variety of intellectual traditions included under the rubric of international studies.
Internationale Politik und Gesellschaft (Internati
Published by the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES), a Social Democratic think tank. Full text of selected articles by issue and topic as well as manuscript information provided. Additional content available in German.
Journal of Democracy
A journal on the theory and practice of democracy, published for the National Endowment for Democracy's International Forum for Democratic Studies by the Johns Hopkins University Press. Site provides tables of contents from current and archived issues, with full text available through Project Muse.
Journal of Palestine Studies
Quarterly journal devoted to the study of Palestinian affairs and the Arab-Israeli conflict. Index, table of contents, abstracts and book reviews.
Journal of Security Sector Management
Professional publication aimed at international defense and security professionals. Selected papers available for download, as well as submission guidelines.
Journal of World Affairs & New Technology
Site lists open debates and current issues in the realm of international relations.
Quarterly journal of world affairs published by the Foreign Policy Research Institute. Site provides indexes to recent issues, submission and style guidelines, and staff listing.
Monthly online journal covering the ethical issues of globalization and the political and economic issues of contemporary international relations. Full text of essays and articles available.
Review of International Affairs
Produced by the Center for Eurasian Strategic Studies (ASAM), Ankara. Background, issue contents, current call for papers, and editorial board listing provided.
Review of International Studies
Founded in 1974 as the flagship journal of the British International Studies Association, Review of International Studies serves the needs of scholars in international relations and related fields such as politics, history, law, and sociology.
Seton Hall Journal of Diplomacy and International
Published at the John C. Whitehead School of Diplomacy an International Relations at SHU. Provides index of current issue and full text of past issues in PDF, as well as submission guidelines.
Situation Analysis
Online journal and forum for debate regarding the interface between critical theory, world events and international news.
Strategic Assessment
Archives of the annual publication of the Institute for National Strategic Studies, National Defense University, which provides in-depth analysis of global issues and geopolitics. PDF and hypertext formats available.
Strategic Insights
An electronic journal produced by the Center for Contemporary Conflict at the U.S. Naval Postgraduate School, covering U.S. and international security issues. Text of current and archived articles, document analyses, and reviews provided as well as submission policies and editorial staff profiles.
The Fletcher Forum of World Affairs
Journal of the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University. Selected articles available as PDFs in current and past issues; contribution and distribution information, related links, and subscription form provided.
The Journal of Public and International Affairs (J
Exclusively publishes the work of graduate students in the field. Full text available as PDF, as well as submission guidelines and a limited archive. Published by the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs at Princeton University.
The Modern Tribune
An e-zine covering US foreign policy.
The National Interest
A quarterly journal of international affairs and diplomacy founded by Irving Kristol. Noted for its issue featuring the "End of History" by Francis Fukuyama.
The Nonproliferation Review (CNS)
Refereed international journal of the Center for Nonproliferation Studies; features articles and reports on a variety of nonproliferation problems, including the spread of nuclear, chemical, biological, and advanced conventional technologies. Selected articles available in hypertext and PDF; submission and style guidelines also provided.
World Policy Journal
Journal of international relations published by the World Policy Institute, an internationalist organization affiliated with New School University. Archives of recent issues, text and discussion on current articles, writer's guidelines, and reader services.
Yearbook of International Co-operation on Environm
Presents informed annual evaluations of international collaboration on environmental and developmental issues, as well as listing key data concerning related international agreements, intergovernmental organizations (IGOs) including UN specialized agencies; and international NGOs.