African Geopolitics, American Diplomacy, AntePodium (AtP), Brown Journal of World Affairs, Cambridge Review of International Affairs (CRIA), Canadian Foreign Policy/La Politique étrangère du , CIAO: Journals, Critical Review of International Social and Politi, Current History, Diplomatic History
Liberalism, Realism, A Second Image, Columbia International Affairs Online, English School of International Relations Theory, Foreign Policy: International relations: one world, IR Theory Web Site, Nationality and Sovereignty in the New World Order, Peace Between Nations, Political Systems, Violence, and War, Postmodernist Theories of International Relations, Scripts for students of international relations
Adam Ulam - Cold War Autobiography
A Harvard professor emeritus and former Russian Research director's interpretations and writings about World War II, Lenin, Stalin, Cold War, and current politics.
After September 11: Perspectives from the Social S
This special website by the American Social Science Research Council (SSRC) offers original and insightful writing from a number of leading social scientists relating to 9/11.
Association of Professional Schools of Internation
Dedicated to the improvement of professional education in international affairs. School search, FAQ, admissions and career resources, publications, and member roster provided.
Carnegie Council on Ethics & International Aff
Independent forum for research and education in ethics and international policy through programs, conferences, and publications. Resource library, classroom tools, and reports from current projects available online.
Carnegie Council on Ethics and International Affai
Independent organization dedicated to research and education at the nexus of ethics and international affairs. Articles, transcripts and conference reports.
Center for the Study of International Relations an
A Brazilian center for the multidisciplinary study, teaching and research in international relations and integration studies. English description; most content in Portuguese.
Centre for the Study of Globalization and Regional
Based at the University of Warwick this is the main cetnre on globalization for the Economic and Social Research Council (UK).
Conflict Solutions International
NGO in the field of conflict resolution which conducts investigations, advocacy, mediation, legal assistance, and other IR work.
Conversations with History
Harry Kreisler interviews distinguished international relations specialists about their lives and work. Available both in video and transcript format. The interviewees include Kenneth Waltz, John Mearsheimer, and General Anthony Zinni.
David's Guide to IR
Site offers a guide to relations between countries, plus general information.
Department of International Relations
London School of Economics and Political Science. Prospective and research students, scholarships and staff.
Dimostenis's Conflict Resolution Page
Articles, links, bibliographies, and search tools for researchers interested in international or ethnic conflict resolution
Diplomacy Monitor
St. Thomas University School of Law site which tracks diplomatic communiques and related official documents globally, with breakouts by topic and nation-to-nation interaction. Subject areas include human rights, international trade, humanitarian aid and health.
Portal for international politics and government, linking to governments, foreign affairs ministries, embassies/consulates, international organizations, research centers, specialized press, and NGOs. Sorted by country or by topic.
Doran, Charles F.
Professor of International Relations at Johns Hopkins University's Nitze School of Advanced International Studies.
Archived collection of files and news items concerning the Middle East and geopolitics.
FIRST: Facts on International Relations and Securi
Free public database system, providing integrated searching of a number of international military and diplomatic information systems.
Fletcher-Ginn-International Relations Resources
Extensive collection of evaluated links to all aspects of international relations; maintained by the Glinn Library of the Fletcher School at Tufts University.
Focus on the Global South
A program of progressive development policy research and practice that works on regional and global policy analysis, micro-macro linking and advocacy work.
Foreign Affairs Page - Robert J. Beck
This award-winning site features indexed, annotated links to general reference, U.S. Government, foreign states, the U.N. system, NGOs and IGOs, international law, human rights, international relations, think tanks, and the media.
Global Affairs
MSN online discussion forum on world politics, ecology, and economics. Also provides book recommendations, related links, and photo album.
H.K's Conflict Resolution Model
A creative and constructive model of polarity and balance for conflict resolution work. A demonstration movie of how a conflict-worker can process a conflict between the Israelites and the Palestines.
Harvard Program for Conflict Research
A project that brings policy-makers, researchers and experts together to discuss issues of human security and conflict prevention. Online conferences and research databases.
ICSSA - Independent Centre for Strategic Studies a
Independent research institution, dedicated to reducing tensions between the Muslim and the Western world. About, programs, publications and themes.
Institute for International Relations
Based at the University of British Columbia. Job listings and degree program information.
Institute for International Relations
Policy research organization engaged in interdisciplinary research of social and policy issues of international scope. Institute, departments, publications and news on international relations and economics. Based in Croatia.
Institute on Global Conflict and Cooperation Onlin
The Institute is a multi-campus research unit that serves the entire University of California system. Research is focused on averting nuclear war through arms control and confidence-building measures, regional relations, international environmental policy, internal conflict, international migration, and proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.
International Relations Resources
A directory of news, document, academic, law, and other sites pertaining to international affairs, maintained by the Edward Ginn Library for the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University.
International Relations and Security Network (ISN)
ISN is a one-stop information service in the fields of international relations and security. Among the services offered are: an annotated links library, a limited area search tool (ISN LASE), a selection of resources on current world affairs, and specialized fact databases.
International Relations News and Research Resource
This site contains useful news links and resources links for International Relations research of current events, world affairs, foreign policy, and global issues.
International Relations Services
Offers free and fee online services for IR students, including research and editing assistance and links to articles on current affairs.
International Security Program, John F. Kennedy Sc
Studies challenges to U.S. national security and international security. Current research and publications, alumni resources, upcoming events and activities, and related links.
A directory of news, information, and analysis sources covering geopolitics and economics.
International Organization Section of the International Studies Association, dedicated to the study of international organizations in the contemporary global system. Current research areas, awards and prices, conference information, newsletter, and membership directory.
Jones, Adam
Professor International Studies at the Center for Research and Teaching in Economics, Mexico. Writings on gender and I.R., media and communications, and Third World issues.
Promotes reform in local government and public service in Central and Eastern Europe, the former Soviet Union and Mongolia. A project of the Open Society Institute, Budapest.
Mountbatten Centre for International Studies (MCIS
Independent institute housed at the University of Southampton which explores trends in global non-proliferation and other security and international relations issues. News, programme reports, online research database access, and sample publications provided.
Open Democracy Network
This web site offers high-quality articles and comments on current issues in world politics, ranging from globalisation via European integration to the war on terrorism. Most of the content is written by well-known academics and journalists.
Political Domain
Articles on political disputes, military conflicts and political life around the world.
Prof. Friedrich V. Kratochwil
Site dedicated to a member of faculty for International Relations at the University of Munich. Includes both English and German versions.
Project on International Institutions and Conflict
Harvard Law School group which researches and publishes on the law and politics of international conflict management, civil-military cooperation, and effective negotiation.
Romanian Center for Global Studies
Research center in the field of internation relations, with special interest in Romania. Research project, organisation and publications.
SOSIG: International Relations
Social Science Information Gateway's annotated directory of selected links in the field, ranging from research institutes to academic journals.
Suite101: International Affairs and Comments
Personal commentary on development and world affairs, with links to related sites.
TFF Research Project
Three-year research project, investigating reconciliation processes and policies in conflict regions. Summary, background and implementation.
The Global Site
An academic portal to International Relations maintained by Professor Martin Shaw of Sussex University. In addition to links, this site offers original articles and reviews organised around major topics in IR and sociology.
The John Danvers Web Page
From the lecturer on international relations and diplomacy. Includes texts of past lectures in PDF (registration required), discussion board, and photographs of Danvers and various world leaders.
WWW Virtual Library: International Affairs Resourc
Over 2000 annotated links in a range of international affairs topics.
Young Europeans for Security (YES)
Youth organization of People & Defense. Site offers news and links to online resources on defence, international security and cooperation, and related policymaking.