Boston University
Contains a faculty preview, course listing, and options for majors.
Brandeis University
Contains a listing courses with descriptions, a departmental overview, links to professor websites, and a list of student resources.
Clark University
Describes the requirements, courses that are offered, scholarship opportunities, history of the department, and alumni.
College of the Holy Cross
Contains an overview of the program, research links, a listing of faculty, course descriptions, and department news.
Harvard University
Contains graduate and undergraduate information, class schedules, faculty details, news items and teaching and alumni resources.
John F. Kennedy School of Government
Describes the requirements, courses that are offered, scholarship opportunities, history of the department, and alumni.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Provides course information, information for majors, faculty listing.
Northeastern University
Offers information about the major and minor programs, courses, faculty, internships, lectures, and an online newsletter.
Salem State University
Includes a listing of courses available, student organizations, financial aid, scholarships, programs, and faculty.
Smith College
Includes a listing of courses available, student organizations, financial aid, scholarships, programs, and faculty.
Suffolk University
Contains an overview of the program, research links, a listing of faculty, course descriptions, and department news.
Tufts University
Provides department facts, course catalogue, and faculty and alumni information.
University of Massachusetts-Amherst
Contains an overview of the program, research links, a listing of faculty, course descriptions, and department news.
University of Massachusetts-Lowell
Contains an overview of the program, research links, a listing of faculty, course descriptions, and department news.
Wellesley College
Includes a listing of courses available, student organizations, financial aid, scholarships, programs, and faculty.
Western New England College
Information on history, courses, major requirements and list of faculty.
Williams College
General departmental information, courses, faculty, major overview, and student resources.
Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Includes degree requirements and advice, course catalogue, faculty, announcements, scholarships, internships, class schedules, and links.