A Comment on the Application of Grounded Theory to
Philip H. Siegel, Fiesta Mart Chair of Accounting, University of Houston-Downtown.
A Research Strategy for a Developing Country
by Rahmat M. Samik-Ibrahim in Forum of Qualitative Social Research, 1(1), January 2000.
CASE Tools as Organizational Change
Investigating Incremental and Radical Changes in Systems Development -- by Wanda J. Orlikowski, Sloan School of Management, Massachusetts Institute of Technology in MISQ 17(3), September 1993.
Choosing Qualitative Research
A primer for technology education researchers. By Marie C. Hoepfl.
Constructivist Grounded Theory?
by Barney Glaser in Forum Qualitative Social Research online journal.
FA Constructive/ist Response to Glaser
by Antony Bryant in Forum Qualitative Social Research online journal.
Getting serious about Grounded Theory
by Angela McCarthy, University of Notre Dame Australia, at WAIER Forum 1999.
Glaser or Stauss?
Grounded Theory and Adult Education -- by Wayne A. Babchuk.
Grounded Theory as Scientific Method
by Brian D. Haig, University of Canterbury.
Grounded Theory as Scientific Method
Haig-Inspired Reflections on Educational Research Methodology by Barbara M. Kinach, Vanderbilt University.
Hesitating to Disclose
adult students with invisible disabilities and their experience with understanding and articulating disability -- by Tonette S. Rocco, The Ohio State University.
Information Seeking in the Newsroom
application of the Cognitive Framework for Analysis of the Work Context -- by Hannele Fabritius, Department of Information Studies, University of Tampere.
Learning Counterintuitive Physics Concepts
the Effects of Text and Educational Environment -- by Cynthia R. Hynd, Mary M. McNish, Gaoyin Qian, Mark Keith, and Kim Lay.
Practical Applications of Luhmann's Work
Observations from a Grounded Theory Perspective. By Garry Gibson.
Pursuit of the Ph.D.: Is it good for your health?
by Bobbi A. Kerlin at the 4th International Multidisciplinary Qualitative Health Research Conference Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, February 19-21, 1998.
Representing WWW Navigational Data
a Graphical Methodology to Support Qualitative Analysis -- by Honey Lucas, Department of Information Studies, University of Sheffield.
Scanning the Business Environment for Information:
this paper summarizes the principal findings of research that sought to provide a comprehensive understanding of the environmental scanning process -- by Zita Correia and T.D. Wilson.
The Creation of Theory
a Recent Application of the Grounded Theory Method -- by Naresh R. Pandit, The Qualitative Report, 2(4), December, 1996.
The Grounded Theory Alternative in Business Networ
by Seán de Búrca and Damien Mc Loughlin.
The impact of access to electronic and digital inf
a grounded theory approach -- by Alison Jane Pickard, Department of Information and Library Management, University of Northumbria at Newcastle, UK.
Using Grounded Theory to Interpret Interviews
by Linda Jo Calloway and Constance A. Knapp, School of Computer Science and Information Systems, Pace University.
What Happens When Students Read Multiple Source Do
by Steven A. Stahl, Cynthia R. Hynd, Bruce K. Britton, Mary M. McNish, and Dennis Bosquet.
When Students Do Not Feel Motivated for Literacy L
a Responsive Classroom Culture -- by Penny Oldfather, University of Georgia.