english deutsch
Action Research
Action Research Resources, Actionresearch: An Overview, Our People, Our Resources, Process in Our Participatory Action, Reflexivity and Narratives in Action Research: A D, The Imoyase Group
Grounded Theory
Online Articles, The Memo Pages of Grounded Theory, Theses and Abstracts, Ah Beng Codes IT That Way, Bibliography of Grounded Theory, Grounded Analysis, Grounded Theory Index, Grounded Theory Methodology on the Web, Grounded Theory Methodology References, Grounded Theory on the Web, Grounded Theory: A Thumbnail Sketch, In Emergence We Trust, Introduction to Grounded Theory
Publications, Tools, Arteology or the Science of Artefacts, Bobbi Kerlin, Ph.D., Caqdas Networking Project, Cochrane Qualitative Methods Group, Colorado State University's Writing Center, Content Analysis Resources, Content- and Text-Analysis Resources, David Fetterman's virtual office, David Garson's courses, Intercoder reliability in content analysis
American Association of Public Opinion Resources, ASDE Inc., Centre for Applied Social Surveys, Centre for Applied Social Surveys' Question B, CESSDA -- Council of European Social Science Data , CPIP -- Eagleton's Center for Public Interest, Guide to Questionnaires and Surveys, ICPSR, MIPO -- Marist Institute for Public Opinion, NORC--The National Opinion Research Center
BGSP Research Resources
A collection of resources to aid research in psychoanalysis and allied disciplines in the social and behavioral sciences.
A critique of scientific and media reporting of sex and gender issues.
Developmental Research
A problem oriented and interdisciplinary research methodology.
Edinburgh University Data Library
Assists academics and students in the Social Sciences in the use of numeric or encoded research data for analysis and teaching.
Enquire Within and the Repertory Grid Interview
Construct systems may be conceived of as multi-dimensional mathematical models in which the person's own language is used to classify his or her experience - a presentation of Kelly's personal construct theory
European Society for General Semantics
Generarl Semantics resources for European countries. Website in English, French, Spanish, Italian and German.
General Semantics
A critical analysis of the theoretical foundations of Korzybski's general semantics featuring many papers, commentary, and discussions.
ISWROLDnet: Research and Scholarship
intended to provide professors and students of information systems with a useful starting point for accessing WWW-based material related to research and scholarship in the field of information systems.
Latent Semantic Analysis
A mathematical/statistical technique for extracting and representing the similarity of meaning of words and passages by analysis of large bodies of text.
Max Weber's Approach to Objectivity in Social
This essay, by Steve Hoenisch, seeks to shed light on Weber's view of the applicability of objectivity by attempting to answer the overarching question that sits at the foundation of his approach: Was Weber an advocate of value-free social science?
Measuring Paradoxical Reality
an alternative way to asses subject condition in social sciences.
META Magazine Research
Research about methods and techniques on problem solving, acquiring knowledge, classification of information, education, and positive creative management skills.
Qualitative and Quantitative Research: Conjunction
Discusses the logic of relating qualitative and quantitative methods, different approaches for inter-relating them, and innovative applications of methodological inter-relation.
Resources for Methods in Evaluation and Social Res
Links to free resources for methods in social science research.
RM Institute - Research Methods Knowledge
The knowledge base of social science research methods. It focus on measurements and modeling issues.
Semac -- Semantic analysis software
The concept of semantic activity that is claimed to proceed as well from single words as from word co-occurrences. This equalization rests upon graph theory.
Social Research Resources
by Kevan Edwards, University of Minnesota.
Social Science Research Resources
by Craig McKie.
The Bell Curve: Anatomy of an Analysis
The interpretations proffered in Herrnstein & Murray's book, "The Bell Curve", are not supported by reanalysis of their data.
The Social Science Dream Machine
A project aimed at developing a common interface on the Internet to the data holdings of a large number of providers and disseminators of statistical information world-wide.
The Web Center for Social Research Methods
Resources for applied social research and evaluation including a complete online research methods text, course resources, and researcher tools.
Theory:The Necessary Evil
Understanding Experimentation
A Web Quest on the classic experiment, as well as other research methods: naturalistic observation, questionnaire survey, and correlational research. Designed by Bernard Schuster.
Vytvorology, which is an exact science of human processes, offers new, acute and reliable research possibilities in this field of human and social processes.