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Fonts in Cyberspace - Guarani
SIL TrueType fonts for Guaraní.
Guarani Ñanduti Rogue
Information on the Guaraní language, in Guaraní, Spanish and German.
Guaraní Possessive Constructions
Discusses the different ways in which the concept of Possession is encoded in Guaraní. Maura Velazquez, 1989.
Guaraní y Jopara en Paraguay
An article about language mixing in Paraguay. PDF format.
Guaraní/Spanish/German Word List
A plain-text list of Guaraní vocabulary.
Mba'éichapa Oiko la Guarani
Article about the mixture of Spanish and Guaraní known as Jopará.
Discussion of Paraguay, its culture, & the Guaraní language.