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Language Family Trees - Nilo-Saharan
The Ethnologue family tree for the phylum, with links for more information on each of the approx. 200 member languages.
Luo Grammatical Sketches
papers on specific aspects of Luo grammar (Comparatives and Superlatives; Imperatives; Complex Noun Phrases), prepared by linguistics students at Rice University.
Nilo-Saharan Language Listing
Listing of the member languages of the phylum, classified by subgroup.
Nilo-Saharan Languages
Survey of the sociolinguistic situation of Nilo-Saharan languages spoken in the Republic of Chad.
Studying the Zarma Language
Introduction to the pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary of the Zama language. Bilingual site (English and Dutch).
The Maasai (Maa) Language
Portal page leading to detailed information on the Maasai language, including a grammar and bibliographic references.
The Nilotic Language Family
General survey, with maps, of the Nilotic family, one of the members of the Nilo-Saharan phylum.
Web Resources for Nilo-Saharan Languages
Collection of links maintained by Jouni F. Maho of the University of Göteborg in swden.
Zarma Dictionary - Dictionnaire Zarma - Zarmaciine
Trilingual dictionary of Zarma, a member of the Songhai family spoken by about 2 million people (mostly in Niger).