english deutsch
Euromosaic - Galician
Sociolinguistic study of the use of Galician (Gallego) in Galicia (NW Spain) and neighboring regions of Spain. Bilingual site (English and French).
General information on the current status of the Galician language, from the University of Wales. Trilingual site (English, French, Welsh).
Galicia Irredenta
Argues that the Galician Language does not derive from Latin.
Brief but thorough description of the Galician language, including phonology, spelling, dialectal maps and a selection of medieval Galician texts. Link to the same information in Galician.
Links to Galician Sites
Links maintained by the Department of Linguistic Data Processing at the University of Cologne, Germany with a brief essay on Galicia and its language.
Seminar of Galician Studies at the University of B
Course details, linguistic information and links.