english deutsch
Introductory Sanskrit lessons using images to display pages of text in mixed Devanagari and Latin script with transliterations. Glossaries, dictionary, and script editing software.
American Sanskrit Institute
Teaches Sanskrit using programs based in the theory and practice of yoga.
Quotable Quotes in Sanskrit from Indian Culture
Text images with accompanying English translations.
Samskrit for All
Translated articles on science, technology and culture to preserve and encourage general usage in India.
Samskrita Bharati
Internet and offline resources for learning and reading Sanskrit, newsletter, news, project announcements, and links.
Sanskrit hymns, good sayings, quotes, riddles, stories, and classes.
Sanskrit & Sánscrito
Sanskrit, Yoga and Indian philosophies.
The Meghaduta of Kalidasa
Features is the text of Meghaduta in Devanagari in pdf format, the love poem by Kalidasa.