Lessons Online
Basic Gaelic for Parents, Beag air Bheag, Bruidhinn ar Cànan, Ceud mìle fàilte - A Hundred Thousand Welcomes, Elementary Course of Gaelic, Lessons by Niall Alasdair MacEoghainn, Online storybooks for young children, Scottish Gaelic learners' materials online, Scottish Gaelic Study Notes, Taic
Anna Mhàrtainn, Anna Mhoireach, Beathag Mhoireasdan, Brian Ó hEadhra, Brolum, Ceòlmhor Ostaig, Cliar, Cliath Clis, Cruinne, Dàimh
Resources for learners and speakers of Scottish Gaelic, including an online dictionary of expressions, riddles, research, names and surnames, and grammar.
Bòrd na Gàidhlig - The Gaelic Development Agency
A Non-Departmental Public Body (NDPB) appointed by, and accountable to, Scottish Ministers. Bòrd na Gàidhlig (Alba) will be responsible for the overall direction and management of the National Plan for Gaelic.
Clì promotes the language and its main aim is to support learners. Has a searchable worldwide database of classes and many resource materials.
Comann nam Pàrant provides information on Gaelic medium education and the opportunity to communicate with parents on the message board and is bilingual.
Comunn Gàidhlig Astràilia - The Scottish Gaelic As
A non-profit organisation which supports the language and culture of Scottish Gaels in Australia. Members include native speakers and learners. Welcomes contact from anyone with an interest in these subjects.
Comunn na Gàidhlig
Bilingual site of the main Scottish Gaelic language development agency.
English index to Gàidhlig air an Lìon
English index to Gàidhlig air an Lìon, a Scottish Gaelic directory with more than 500 classified links
Euromosaic - Gaelic
Sociolinguistic survey of the use of Gaelic in Scotland. Collection of links. Bilingual site (English and French).
Gaelic Broadcasting Committee - Comataidh Craolaid
As well as highlighting the work of the Committee also has Gaelic TV and Radio listings and is fully bilingual.
Gaelic In Scottish History and Culture
The text of a book by Michael Newton, published in 1997. A resourceful analysis of the position of Scots Gaelic throughout its history and how, from being the language of the Scottish Court, it lost ground to such an extent that by the eighteenth century it was no longer recognised as the National Language of Scotland, but rather the language of the Highlands alone. Micheal Newton also addresses other topics related to Scottish culture such as music and folklore, using this to develop the essential criteria as to why Gaelic does matter in today's world.
Gaelic Society of Moscow
The Gaelic Society of Moscow is the Scottish Gaelic not-for-profit organisation in Russia. It studies Gaelic Scotland, its language, its people and its culture.
Gàidhlig (Scottish Gaelic) Local Studies
On the Linguae Celticae site by Kurt Duwe. These studies deal with local communities which were predominantly Gaelic-speaking at the end of the 19th century. Based mainly (but not exclusively) on local population census information the reports strive to examine the state of the language through the ages from 1881 until today.
Lochaber Gaelic Development Group
The aims of the group are to promote, strengthen and develop the Gaelic language and culture in Lochaber. It provides Gaelic classes and works at community level to raise the profile of Gaelic in many of the events that take place in the area each year.
Mercator Media: Gàidhlig
A page of general information about the current status of the Gaelic language media, from the European Union funded Mercator Media service based at the University of Wales, Aberystwyth. Trilingual site (English, French, Welsh).
Pròiseact nan Sgeulachdan
A Gaelic Storytelling Project aiming to regenerate, develop and promote Scottish Gaelic storytelling with particular reference to the Western Isles. The website has example recordings of stories, and a short history of storytelling through the ages.
Rampant Scotland: Gaelic and Scots Language
Links to web pages related to Gaelic, with description. Also includes links to Scots language information. Part of the Rampant Scotland directory.
Research on Language Policy and Language Planning
An online collection, by the Department of Celtic and Scottish Studies at Edinburgh University, of papers and research reports.
Revitalizing Gaelic? - A Critical Analysis of the
Detailed study, with bibliography, by Alasdair MacCaluim (with Wilson McLeod).
Sabhal Mòr Ostaig
College in the island of Skye, Scotland, providing university level education through the medium of Gaelic, and also Gaelic language short courses in the summer. Website has very extensive Gaelic language resources including the text of Carmichael's Carmina Gadelica and several Gaelic dictionaries.
Scotland FAQ - Gaelic song and music
The Gaelic song and music section of Craig Cockburn's Scotland guide. This section covers Gaelic song and music, including bands, musical styles, traditional music and singing information
Scotland FAQ - Scottish Gaelic information
The Gaelic section of Craig Cockburn's Scotland guide. Information about Gaelic and learning Gaelic for newcomers to the language.
Scotland: Gaelic Language
Information on Scottish Gaelic, with links. A page in the "Gateway to Scotland" site by the Geography Department at Edinburgh University.
Slighe nan Gaidheal
Seattle's Scottish Gaelic language and cultural society. Educational events, concerts, networking.
The National Mod (Am Mòd Nàiseanta Rìoghail)
The Royal National Mod is Scotland's premier Gaelic festival of language, arts and culture and is held annually in October in Scotland.
Western Isles Language Plan
Research and development plan to preserve and promote the Gaelic language in the Western Isles
Wikipedia: Scottish_Gaelic_Language
An introduction and overview, with many links