A Glimpse at Perl: Pig Latin Translator
Sample code for a translator.
English to Pig Latin Translator
Ensures proper capitalization, differentiates between "Y" as vowel and "Y" as consonant, and other refinements.
Game Cafe: Club Girl Tech's Pig Latin Transla
Enter text and translate it to Pig Latin.
Jellspace Pig Latin Translator
In C++, available for download; currently runs in DOS. Source code also available.
Joe Strout's Python Tidbits
Includes piglatin and depiglatin scripts that attempt forward and reverse translation from English to Pig Latin. Built for the Python programming language.
MIT: Pig Latin Project
Programming project to build a Pig Latin translator applet. Brief description of Pig Latin and Ubby Dubby, a related variant.
OMPCAY 225, Ogrammingpray Assignmentway 3
Loyola University Computer Programming assignment.
Pig Latin translator for Windows; download or order on CD-ROM / diskette.
The Dialectizer
Browse the web or read text in any of several comic English dialects, including Pig Latin.
Translator by John B. Chambers
Translates text input to Pig Latin, Swedish Chef, Jive or ValSpeak dialects. Source code available for download.