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Converting GIS data from GRASS to ArcInfo
Grass2Arc and Grass2Grid for converting v4.x GRASS data files to ArcInfo. Unix based, 1996.
Dave and Harvey's Slope Stability Package
This tool collection calculates slope stability for a Digital Elevation Model.
Eykamp's GIS Tools
Explanations of scalebars, embedding perl code, passing parameters, and distributed backups.
Map Gallery Macro
Launches a menu for user input, makes a screen capture of an Arcplot window, creates a GIF image and copies it to a directory on the web server, then adds a link to the index file. USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center.
Rocky Mountain Mapping Center Software Library
A variety pack including DEM and DOQ conversion, hillshades, mosaicking, clipping, plotting, scalebars, and UTM Zone determination.